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Recent observations - link to website

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:10 pm
by Willem

As part of my website ( design, I included for each species (red-underwing skipper as example, which is observed in Belgium or Netherlands a link to a species page on and ( See 'O' (or 'X' when not observed in both countries..) in the upper right corner of the species page. ).

These pages give recent observations and some more info on the specific species. Since I've been working on an English version, I would like to know whether a similar mechanism is used in other countries. I understood is the international website built upon the Dutch & Belgian versions, .. but I have no clue whether this is seen as a standard.

Any comments are well appreciated.

Re: Recent observations - link to website

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 7:31 pm
by Padfield
I'm not quite sure what purpose such a log would serve with respect to British butterflies. Every resident species is noted pretty well as soon as the first individuals are on the wing and subsequently observed continuously until the last ones die. A list of recent sightings, if people bothered to send them in, would be many pages long, even for the rarest butterflies, and would simply indicate the flight period. The situation is slightly different with rare migrants, of course.

Most people, I imagine, send their own records in to the recorder at the end of the season to be collated. This is obviously more important, scientifically, than keeping a live and incomplete log of selected records.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something - it often happens!


Re: Recent observations - link to website

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:57 pm
by Willem
Hello Guy & others,

Please have a look to this facebook page which explains the purpose of this very popular sites in Nl & BE. ... topic=7704

There's variety of reports available on the spot...