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Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:57 am
by Nicola Main
Does anyone know any good sites for seeing Green Hairstreaks near Carnoustie in eastern Scotland? It's a species I've always wanted to see. Thanks, Nicola.

Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:53 pm
by Zonda
I've been looking for a season and a half Nicola. I'm not convinced they even exist. I think that all the photos of sightings are Green veined Whites, altered in Photoshop. Every time i see a GH sighting from anywhere, i fume with frustration. Please don't take me too seriously. Frank in Dorset. :(

Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:32 pm
by Rogerdodge
8 Tentsmuir Point National Nature Reserve
Tentsmuir possesses a range of coastal habitats
stretching from the beach, through the fore dunes
and slacks to dune grassland and older dune heath,
backed by the more recent Forestry Commission (FC)
plantation. The dune slacks particularly are rich in plant
species. The site is also famous for its wading birds
and seals, and the pine plantation has a good Red
Squirrel population. The reserve is one of the region’s
best butterfly sites, home to Small Pearl-bordered and
Dark Green Fritillaries, Small Copper, Common Blue,
Green Hairstreak and Grayling. Day-flying moths are
well-represented, with Cinnabar and Six-spot Burnet.
Car park, information panels and trails, toilets and a
picnic area are located at Kinshaldy (NO498 242) where
entry is via a toll barrier. Access to the NNR is by foot
or bicycle through about 3km (1½ miles) of forest track.
Alternatively, walk along the foreshore from Tayport
2km (1½ miles) to reach Tentsmuir Point. For more info
contact SNH on 01382 553704 or FC on 01350 727284
The above quote is from this document ... eaflet.pdf

Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:00 pm
by Piers
Zonda wrote:I've been looking for a season and a half Nicola. I'm not convinced they even exist. I think that all the photos of sightings are Green veined Whites, altered in Photoshop. Every time i see a GH sighting from anywhere, i fume with frustration. Please don't take me too seriously. Frank in Dorset. :(
Frank in Dorset.

Dorset Heathland.


Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:29 am
by Bill S
Felix wrote:
Zonda wrote:I've been looking for a season and a half Nicola. I'm not convinced they even exist. I think that all the photos of sightings are Green veined Whites, altered in Photoshop. Every time i see a GH sighting from anywhere, i fume with frustration. Please don't take me too seriously. Frank in Dorset. :(
Frank in Dorset.

Dorset Heathland.

Or Martin Down


Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:41 pm
by Piers
Or Cerne Abbas; which is within striking distance of Castle Zonda.


Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:38 pm
by NickB
Zonda wrote:I've been looking for a season and a half Nicola. I'm not convinced they even exist. I think that all the photos of sightings are Green veined Whites, altered in Photoshop. :(
I'm not sure you have the right jizz there for Green Hairstreak, Zonda; maybe that's where you are going wrong? :mrgreen:
Edit: Some one offer to meet him and put him (and us :wink: ) out of their misery, please :idea:

Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:56 am
by Lee Hurrell
I did offer, but it's a long way out of Dorset and we all know Zonda gets constipated if he leaves the county :wink:


Re: Looking for Green Hairstreaks

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:37 am
by Piers
Indeed he does. :lol:

However, some fine colonies exist along the Purbeck Ridge, and in good numbers around any 'gorsey' heath...