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Whether to worry about the weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:26 pm
by Wurzel
I'm slightly worried so perhaps someone can help put my mind at rest...or at least answer a couple of questions...

We've just had a very warm week, warm compared to usual temperatures at this time of year, and now the weather people are telling us that things will be getting back to normal - cooler, wetter etc.

Now if a lot of species are emerging, and some are emerging early, what will happen to them now?

I've read somewhere that some species are really temperature dependant - like Brown Hairstreaks not being out if it's colder than 18 and Silver Spotted Skipper less than 20 degrees Celsius - are there are other species that show similar intolerances for cooler temperatures - for example how do Green Hairstreak, Duke of Burgundy, Marsh Fritillary, Grizzled and Dingy Skipper respond to temperature - will they still be active in the next week or two? These are all key species that I would like to photograph this year at Martin Down or Bentley Wood and having a family to consider I need to be very careful about picking days to visit so as to maximise my chances of seeing/photographing them?

Cheers for any help...and sorry to ramble


Re: Whether to worry about the weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:45 pm
by Pete Eeles
Wurzel wrote:Now if a lot of species are emerging, and some are emerging early, what will happen to them now?
I think they'll all be fine - so long as the temperature remains above 13 degrees (which is, I believe, a threshold for some species taking flight).
Wurzel wrote:I've read somewhere that some species are really temperature dependant - like Brown Hairstreaks not being out if it's colder than 18 and Silver Spotted Skipper less than 20 degrees Celsius - are there are other species that show similar intolerances for cooler temperatures - for example how do Green Hairstreak, Duke of Burgundy, Marsh Fritillary, Grizzled and Dingy Skipper respond to temperature - will they still be active in the next week or two?
I would imagine that early-season species are active in relatively-cooler temperatures and will have evolved to cope with this.
Wurzel wrote:These are all key species that I would like to photograph this year at Martin Down or Bentley Wood.
I wouldn't visit Bentley Wood for any of those species; there are much better sites for these particular species elsewhere! Specifically, Bentley Wood has minute populations of Marsh Fritillary and Duke of Burgundy. You might be OK with Grizzled Skipper in the eastern clearing, while photographing Pearl-bordered Frits :)


- Pete

Re: Whether to worry about the weather?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:22 pm
by Wurzel
Cheers Pete for putting my mind at rest.

