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Bird "Song"

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:51 pm
by Jack Harrison
On fine evenings when we can sit out on the patio enjoying a glass of wine, a Blackbird in a nearby tree kicks up an incessant and deafening noise with his so-called singing. Then this morning, a Tawny Owl just outside the bedroom window decided to have an incredibly loud conversation with a mate of his about half-a-mile away.

I am reminded of a Tony Hancock/Sid James sketch in which James grumps about how the noisy dawn chorus wakes him up every day. Hancock counters with comments about how wonderful it is to hear such happy little creatures enjoying life to the full. I side with James :evil:

I can't find a link to a recording of that sketch. I want to be able to play it full volume next time that Blackbird or that Owl starts up. Maybe they will realise just how irritating the conversation of another creature is and get the message.

Anyone have a link?


Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:01 pm
by ChrisC
only birds Jack? grasshoppers and night time crickets not bother you too? :D here's wishing you a couple of territorial wrens for easter :)

Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:37 pm
by Jack Harrison
The first cuckoo of spring is wonderful. But at a place where I lived in Lincolnshire, one bird took a fancy to our garden and for some six weeks or so, the bl**dy thing started up just outside the window at around 0500 hours every morning.

Yes crickets. When I lived in the Officers Mess at RAF Benson, there was often a chorus of crickets from somewhere behind the central heating pipes. One Naval Officer (what the hell was a Fishhead doing living in an Air Force Mess?) decided on a "seek-and-destroy" mission at about 2 o'clock in the morning. As might be imagined, when he was "debriefed" next morning about his mission, there was a certain amount of inter-service rivalry.


Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:47 pm
by Lee Hurrell
One night last year about 50 crows roosted in a tree opposite our bedroom window.

Didn't sleep much that night...

Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:28 pm
by Goldie M
Hi! Jack, talking of birds and bird song, this bird was in my garden last week making a sound I'd never heard before, a quite repetitive " churr" . I've looked in my book and the only bird that comes close is a Sombre Tit. Never heard of it before, not seen it since. I've looked on the RSPB and couldn't find it there. Anybody else seen one this year :?: and am I right. Goldie M :wink:

Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:55 pm
by Gibster
Hi Goldie M,

Where do you live??? Either you're taking pics of Britain's first ever Sombre Tit (which is a highly unlikely addition to the British list) or you're in SE Europe??? :!: :!: :!:

Or you've got yourself a Willow Tit with a massive bib doing strange noises. Any more pics at all, please?


EDIT - Hang on a's a Coal Tit! :P

Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:12 pm
by Paul Wetton
Tis indeed a Coal Tit El Geebster and they do make a bubbling churring sound, possibly an alarm, not disimilar from Crested Tit.

Did you have a good trip by the way.

Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:19 pm
by Goldie M
Thanks folks, now I can put a name to it. I live in Lancashire by the way, near the west Pennine Moors, besides Moors we've lots of Reservoirs, and around their sides Conifers which, I've just read these birds like,( the sun flower seeds my husband puts out will also help) Thanks again Goldie M :D

Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:57 pm
by Gibster
Hi Paul,

indeed I did have a good trip, but I was told off for mentioning it on the April Sightings page. :oops:

And sorry for going off topic on your thread, Goldie M!!! :wink:


Re: Bird "Song"

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:56 pm
by Rogerdodge
indeed I did have a good trip, but I was told off for mentioning it on the April Sightings page
You were not "told off"
Personally I don't give a flying f*rt what section postings are made in.
Zondas "wind up" on foreign observations (that I fell for hook, line, and sinker) got me to suggest that it may have been better in another section.
(Hang about - have I fallen for another "wind up"?)
Personally, I access this site from the "New Postings" link, and thus pay no attention to which Forum category things are in.
Your trip sounds fabulous, and as a retired twitcher, and still fairly keen birder, I am keen to see photos, and read more detail.
I went to Portugal in 1982 for a three week bird photography trip. I had a great time taking ten rolls of 36 shot film.
Sadly my camera bag with two Olympus SLR bodies, a 500mm mirror lens, and a 300mm prime never reached the carousel at Gatwick!!
But, saddest of all wwere the 10 rolls of unprocessed Kodachrome that were never seen again!!!!

My camera gear is always carry-on luggage now.
