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April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:37 pm
by NickB
Ah, well - very cloudy and definitely a joke by the Met Office: Overcast, windy and cool until late pm, with occasional sun :roll:
Did spot a Peacock in the cemetery today - the only butterfly I saw...

Re: April 2011

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 5:05 pm
by Vince Massimo
Today's the day to post my Camberwell Beauty sighting...........................or is it a Painted Lady? :mrgreen:
Camberwell Beauty in South Croydon, Surrey
Camberwell Beauty in South Croydon, Surrey

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:40 pm
by A_T
Nice surprise to see a small white today. Also a small tortoiseshell earlier.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:11 pm
by Catteraxe
Spotted a small white in the back garden today. Mild and sunny down here in S. Wales although a bit windy.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:24 pm
by marmari
Yet another small white, in my back garden at Freshwater today,the first I have seen this year.
A visit to Brook Down,to see if any early Grizzled Skippers were out proved fruitless but a first sight of cowslip cheered up a blustery and rather cloudy afternoon.The sea from the Down showed the brisk wind.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:37 pm
by Susie
I've just been to Denbies Hillside, Surrey, in case any grizzlies were about. I left the visit until late this afternoon in case anything that emerged this morning might be flying but no luck. It was sunny when I arrived but soon became overcast, cool and breezy. At least I got to see some small torts and brimstones though :)

Lots of cowslips and violets out now though on the hill :)

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:14 pm
by Lee Hurrell
My first two Spring emergees in the garden today, a male Holly Blue this morning and a Speckled Wood this afternoon. Also had a rather tatty male Comma.



Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:18 pm
by Matsukaze
The first green-veined white of the year, along with brimstones, peacocks, and good numbers of small tortoiseshells chasing around.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:04 pm
by NickB
Despite the overcast weather, it did warm-up this afternoon so a local tour on my bike revealed 3 Peacock, at least 4 ST and 6+ Comma.
(Didn't take a macro -used the kit 18-55mm DX VR lens; not sure that with VR on, it does deliver better than the original non-VR version :? )

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:58 pm
by millerd
Susie wrote:I've just been to Denbies Hillside, Surrey, in case any grizzlies were about. I left the visit until late this afternoon in case anything that emerged this morning might be flying but no luck. It was sunny when I arrived but soon became overcast, cool and breezy. At least I got to see some small torts and brimstones though :)

Lots of cowslips and violets out now though on the hill :)
Must have left before you arrived! I was there with an assortment of children from about 1 till 3 before decamping to Box Hill for a cup of tea. We saw the Brimstones and the Tortoiseshells as you did, plus one Orange Tip across the road from the car park. But no Grizzled Skippers or Green Hairstreaks yet.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:36 pm
by hosebirder
A stroll around the village during a brief period of sunshine this afternoon produced a Brimstone, several small Torts, a Peacock and a Comma before a pristine male Orange Tip made my day!
Does this mean Spring is really here?


Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:03 pm
by lee3764
Saw my first Speckled Wood of 2011 in my back garden at Par in Cornwall today at 9.40am.
Cheers all,
Lee (Cornwall). :P

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:04 pm
by Susie
millerd wrote:
Susie wrote:I've just been to Denbies Hillside, Surrey, in case any grizzlies were about. I left the visit until late this afternoon in case anything that emerged this morning might be flying but no luck. It was sunny when I arrived but soon became overcast, cool and breezy. At least I got to see some small torts and brimstones though :)

Lots of cowslips and violets out now though on the hill :)
Must have left before you arrived! I was there with an assortment of children from about 1 till 3 before decamping to Box Hill for a cup of tea. We saw the Brimstones and the Tortoiseshells as you did, plus one Orange Tip across the road from the car park. But no Grizzled Skippers or Green Hairstreaks yet.

Sounds like we just missed each other.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:45 pm
by millerd
The first Orange Tips ad a Speckled Wood were out and about this morning in my local patch by the River Colne in Stanwell Moor. A selection below, plus a Small Tortoiseshell from yesterday's excursion to Denbies - unremarkable, except for the Burnet Moth caterpillar sneaking into the frame in the background.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:51 pm
by NickB
Went looking for any early GH - but not yet; did see my first GVW today, along with several Brimstone (1 female), Comma and Peacock with singles of ST and Holly Blue - lots of violets, bees (I see bees everywhere now!) - all out on the Fleam Dyke.
Red-tailed bumble bee - Bombus lapidarius
Red-tailed bumble bee - Bombus lapidarius

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:03 am
by Jack Harrison
On Sunday Susie was at :
...Denbies Hillside, Surrey...
I have a chance to visit Denbies late morning/early afternoon Monday 18th after dropping off my daughter at nearby Bookham. Might see some of you there.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:43 pm
by Perseus

3 April 2011
A pristine Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly was seen on straw on the southern part of Mill Hill and at least two more were seen on the lower slopes, again choosing straw as favoured landing spots. A few Peacock Butterflies (at least two) visited Dog Violets which were now the dominant species. A Brimstone Butterfly skirted the hedgerow at the bottom of the lower slopes. The small Pyrausta nigrata pyralid micro-moths were frequently seen (about a dozen actually observed) and some were very faded. This was the earliest in the year that they have been recorded.
Three butterfly species

Adur Butterfly & Large Moth List


Andy Horton
Adur Valley Nature Notes
Adur Valley Nature Notes: March 2011
Sussex Downs Facebook Group

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:04 pm
by Gibster
FINALLY caught up with an Orange-tip today...causing a sharp intake of breath as it zipped past my face :D
Also loads of bee-flies, bees, flies (pick your combo!) but still trailing Sam by a species (Speckled Wood).

Off to southern Spain at silly o'clock tomorrow. My first Spanish springtime trip and Sam's first Spanish 'wildlife' trip ever. Four of us in a 6-berth beast of a camper van. Mostly I'll be defecting birdwise but butterflies are a very close second. Sam's got the big camera, I've been lumped with the daft wee clickamatic which requires a 4 inch shooting distance...ho hum.

Catchya next week. Guy's Diary has whetted my appetite BIGTIME :D :D

El Geebster.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:46 pm
by Paul Wetton
Senior Geebster

You'll have to let us know what birds you catch up with as well as the butterflies. Don't think you'll get many bird photos with El Cleekomateek tho.

Have a good one.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:53 pm
by millerd
The BC first sightings page lists the first Duke of Burgundy to be seen this year: Kent on 3rd April. However it has yet to note Neil's Grizzled Skipper on 2nd. Most lax.
