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Lake Garda, Italy

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:59 pm
by Will
Hi, I will be staying the third week of August 2011 at Garda. Does anyone have any gen on the sites and butterflies of the area. Will it be worthwhile to go up into the mountains in this area? I have searched the web with little fortune in finding any specific info. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks


Re: Lake Garda, Italy

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:51 am
by Vince Massimo
Hi Will,

I was there in May 2009, staying at Limone-sul-Garda. It was not a butterflying holiday, but I still managed to see a few things. There were Swallowtails and Wood Whites on the ornimental flower beds at the lakeside and of course Geranium Bronze. The opportunities for finding a good site are extremely limited because the surrounding terrrain is very rugged and largely inaccessable and most of the remaining flatter bits are privately occupied. The best I could do was to find an overgrown olive grove in the grounds of a nearby hotel where I saw a few interesting species. The summit of Monti Baldo (cable car from Malcesine) also looked very promising, with lots of alpine flowers starting to show, but it was a bit early and the snow had only just cleared, so there was not much about except a few Small Tortoiseshells. There are a few photos here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3261

Hope this helps.


Re: Lake Garda, Italy

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:40 am
by Roger Gibbons
We went to Lake Garda in 2006 for a few days. We found the area around Ferraro de Monte Baldo quite good for butterflies as the east side of the lake was generally more touristy, as compared to the west side which seemed rather industrialised. On the west side we found a few good spots north of Costa. In total we saw 40 species in two days of butterflying. Highlights were a Large Chequered Skipper (very localised in Italy), Purple Emperor, Blue-spot Hairstreak, Great Sooty Satyr (although the last two are fairly common at medium altitudes in most of the Alpine region).

It would be worth heading to higher altitudes as well. The short Alpine butterfly season will be in full swing, and you may even be slightly late for the peak emergence (pun intended).

I would also strongly recommend a visit to the open air opera in Verona as you are there in the opera season of July/August. We saw Aida, un unforgettable experience.


Re: Lake Garda, Italy

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:44 am
by JKT
Monte Baldo is indeed a nice place. If you can, you might also walk back to Malcesine from there. The open areas at the top are one thing, the woods another and the open areas down near Malcesine a third, entirely different area. Another very good walk would start from Riva del Garda and head up the western side of lake. There are paths for a nice round trip and plenty of butterflies - at least in June. Both are quite strenuous, though. The opportunities at lower altitude are very limited, but there are some small spots where something could be found. Finding those depends on pure luck. This "expert" opinion is based on spending one sunny week at Riva...

Re: Lake Garda, Italy

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:03 pm
by Will
Hi all,

Many thanks for your replies. What month were you there Roger? And thanks for the tip about the opera season.

A grateful Will :D

Re: Lake Garda, Italy

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:50 pm
by Roger Gibbons

We were there 16-17 July 2006. It was mainly for our 35th wedding anniversary. Mathematicians will be quick to realise that 2011 is the 40th which will be celebrated looking for Iolas Blues. I fear some advice may be forthcoming from our resident marriage guidance counsellor.
