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Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:47 pm
by Liz Goodyear
Hope it okay to plug our branch website sales page and in particular our seeds that we have packaged up?

For several years the Herts & Middlesex Branch have been packaging seeds of butterfly and moth friendly plants. We normally ask for a donation of 50p which goes towards branch funds

This year we have some more but we also have quite a few left over from previous years - which we really want to dispose of but to a good cause!!! That they are grown :D

Please follow the links to the bottom of the page - if on the way to the bottom of the page you see anything else that interests you - send me an email

We used to have an active Sales and Promotion Stand that went around all the local events - but we can't get the 'staff' :( so that has folded - we are quite low on branch funds at the moment so need to try and promote the sales and in particular the seeds to a new audience.

Thanks in advance