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Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:21 pm
by JohnR
How about an events page that anyone can post to? I know we have a link from the board index which seems to be for events of national interest. What I suggest is mention of forthcoming county meetings such as the Hants and IoW meeting that Pete reported, since it was a wet day maybe other people might have attended. Forthcoming workparties might be worth a mention, maybe someone from a neighbouring county might like to turn up if they knew of them. etc etc.


Re: Events

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:39 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi John - ideas such as this are always most welcome. I think there are 3 levels of event that we might want to consider:

1. Butterfly Conservation events. These are many - see ... vents.html, although this is broken down by branch.

2. UK Butterflies events. This is what the Events menu (which I'll update in a mo!) is for.

3. A calendar that folks can post their own outings to should they want company! This doesn't exist - but could possibly be added if there's enough interest.


- Pete

Re: Events

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:40 pm
by Rogerdodge
This is a good idea.
I know we have various meet-ups talked about for this coming season.
These include Glanvilles at Sand Point, Black Hairstreaks, Chequered Skipper, Mountain Ringlet and Purple Emeror.
An events diary would enable us to have these on a more "official" footing.
Dates, meetng place and time and meeting co-ordinator contact details would be all that was needed.
How about it Pete?

Re: Events

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:43 pm
by Rogerdodge
Our messages crossed.
I think we are looking for a combination of 2 and 3 - after all BC already does 1 pretty well.

Re: Events

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:48 pm
by David M
Staggeringly good idea. I'd love to get out and meet a few of UKB's members. It'd also be an opportunity for us to post what we intend to do and if any other member has similar plans then we could deprive the Exchequer of a small amount of fuel tax revenue in the process by sharing costs!

Re: Events

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:58 pm
by Pete Eeles
On the case ... :)


- Pete

Re: Events

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:09 pm
by Gibster
Brilliant suggestion! I'm wholeheartedly for this proposal.

I await the outcome with much impatience :wink:

Gibster (going to Ireland in May and July, Scotland in June, Cumbria in June, Norfolk in June, IOS in July, walking Land's End to John O' Groats July onwards...anyone wanna tag along/split costs/show me the way? :lol: Guess Pete will soon supply the required forum!)

Re: Events

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:22 pm
by Gibster
It's been 5 weeks...any progress Pete?

Re: Events

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:34 pm
by Pete Eeles
Gibster wrote:It's been 5 weeks...any progress Pete?
I've found a pretty good implementation that we could use - although it's still "in beta". Just need to find time to have a proper look.

Also - I'm not sure if it has all the features we'll need - such as the ability to ask questions about an event.


- Pete

Re: Events

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:21 pm
by Pete Eeles
And here it is ... :)


You'll notice a new "Calendar" item on the forum menu. Please give it a good test - it's not been wholly configured, but should be good enough to get us going. All comments (and bugs!) most welcome!

I've added the photography workshop to April 30th as an example.

Right - time for a drink!


- Pete

Re: Events

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:30 pm
by Pete Eeles
Update: If you're using the "subsilver" theme, then the calendar won't currently be visible. I'm working on this. In the meantime, change to the "prosilver" them in the user control panel.


- Pete

Re: Events

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:12 pm
by David M
Good move, Pete.

Re: Events

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:56 pm
by Rogerdodge
Looks pretty good.
Have put the Sand Point one in already.


Re: Events

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:07 am
by Lee Hurrell
Good work Pete!



Re: Events

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:33 pm
by Jack Harrison
Roger said:
Pete. Looks pretty good. Have put the Sand Point one in already.
Indeed, very good idea. I don't want to add anything at this stage but not quite clear if I did how I would do so.

And do I need to understand what "subsilver" and "prosilver" are? The site is working fine for me so I guess I needn't worry.

As you might recall, I jokingly made a big song and dance about the fact nobody remembered my birthday last time. Do we really need to send "Happy Birthdays" every time? That would clutter things up. Maybe limit to significant ones such as 18, 21 and then every round 40, 50 etc. (grump mode engaged here!)


Re: Events

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:50 pm
by Rogerdodge
Just go to the May page, click on the "Glanvilles, Sand Point" and put yourself down as attending.

Agreed about Birthdays though Jack - at least if no-one is getting messages you know you aren't the only one :lol: