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Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:50 pm
by Susie
I would like to go to the Isle of Wight next year to see Glanville Fritillary. Would anyone else like to meet up so we could make a UK Butterflies event of it?

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:24 pm
by Gibster
Hi Susie,

have you got a rough idea of a suitable date? My girlfriend is certain to want to tag along on your Glanville Frit trip, she's mad keen on seeing them again after this year's rather disappointing sighting of just a single south coast individual. I'm not sure she's even been to the Isle of Wight.

And are you still recommending your excellent local pub after Brown Hairstreak egg-hunting in the New Year? :)

All the very best,


Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:56 pm
by David M
I'm hoping to see them at Sand Point.

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:21 pm
by Susie
Gibster wrote:Hi Susie,

have you got a rough idea of a suitable date? My girlfriend is certain to want to tag along on your Glanville Frit trip, she's mad keen on seeing them again after this year's rather disappointing sighting of just a single south coast individual. I'm not sure she's even been to the Isle of Wight.

And are you still recommending your excellent local pub after Brown Hairstreak egg-hunting in the New Year? :)

All the very best,

TBH I was hoping that someone would come along and say where and when was best to see them. Failing that I'll look into it and come back to you.

And yes, I definitely recommend my local. I was there for a mighty fine lunch and large glass of red today just to make sure the quality isn't slipping ;)

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:28 pm
by millerd
I went to the I.o.W. during the first week of June this year, though more in hope than expectation as I was accompanied by my five-year-old son who I knew would be more interested in the sand and sea. We went for the day from home (near Heathrow) to Ventnor, and managed it largely by public transport.
1. Drove to Woking Station and parked there
2. Train to Portsmouth Harbour
3. Catamaran to Ryde
4. Train to Shanklin
5. Bus to Ventnor
It was a glorious day, which made the travel less of a chore, and both of us achieved our goals for the day: Elliot had a good splash and burrowed in the sand, and tolerated me watching and taking a few photos of the Glanvilles on the sea front just east of the harbour. We didn't get quite as far as Wheeler's Bay, which I'm told was a great spot for them this year.

One suggestion!


Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:49 am
by Vince Massimo
Hi Susie,

I am assuming that you intend to take the car over on the ferry from Portsmouth. This would clearly make sense if you could fill it up with like-minded people.

A while ago I worked out an itinerary for a day trip which would have allowed 2 or 3 hours on site and still got you home in time for tea. I would recommend visiting the undercliff at Bonchurch (SZ576777), which has the nearest reliable colony of Glanvilles to the ferry terminal at Fishbourne. The ferry crossing takes 50 minutes and it takes another 50 minutes to drive to the car park at Bonchurch. Assuming you caught the 9am ferry you could be on site by 10.40, but this would mean leaving home quite early. Alternatively get a later ferry and take advantage of softer afternoon light. I believe the ferries run every half-hour at that time of year.

I think the best time to go would be the last few days of May and the first week of June (avoiding the Bank Holiday) to ensure that you find fresh individuals. In 2009 they emerged quite early and were reportedly getting quite tatty by 12th June. Kipper got some nice photos when he visited the small mainland colony on 25th May this year.

I was at Bonchurch on 19th June 2006 and need to refresh my photos, so am seriously tempted to go again. If the dates and timings work out, I would be interested in coming along.


Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:18 am
by Susie
Hi Vince, thanks for the detail, that sounds great, and thanks to Dave too. If I did go I would be happy to meet up, collect anyone else at Portsmouth who might be interested, and take a car full over to the Isle of Wight. Unfortunately the last weekend of May is the bank holiday weekend and the following week is the half term holiday with the kids off of school so I probably couldn't go then this year. :( I assume the weekend before would just be too early to guarantee they would be around in any numbers and after they would be tatty.

Edit: I could potentially do the first Monday of June.

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:35 pm
by EricY
2 of us from Norfolk are leaving our wives behind to do a trawl through Bedfordshire/Northampton/Hampshire during the week before end of may bh. Hoping to find quite a list of bf's we do not have up here ic the Glanville. Hoping a posibility of a day trip to IoW from Lymington. Just priced up the ferry Lymington-Yarmouth & had a quote for super saver day trip with car & 2 passengers of £36 for middle of that week. Seems reasonable given seniors day foot ferry is £9.20 each & car parking would have to be paid at Lymington.

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:14 pm
by millerd
The price appears to be the same (£36) for Portsmouth-Fishbourne and back. There are certain advance booking conditions for the ticket, and you wouldn't want to leave it too late in case there was no space, but it seems very good value for a day on the Island for four people.

Yarmouth would be more convenient for the Compton and Brook Chine area where the Fritillaries fly, but it depends on where you're coming from whether Lymington is better.


Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:53 am
by _astralis
Hi Susie,

I am also planning to visit the Isle of Wight this year for the Glanville Fritillary. However, i could only get 22nd - 28th May off work so ive not had a lot of choice! Ive done my research though and for the past few years, the first sightings of the Glanville have been during the first week of May. If a similar thing happens again this year, i figure that by the end of May, a good number of Glanville will have emerged. As one of my main aims is to photograph them, i didnt want to go much later as they will start to get quite tatty. Ive heard that Bonchurch Down and Wheelers Bay are excellent sites and luckily, i found some nice accomodation practically on top of the area :) Ive booked with Hoseasons at Riviera Park, Horseshoe Bay as i get a discount with work.

If anyone else is planning to visit the Isle of Wight during this week, it would be great to meet up :)


Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:46 pm
by marmari
If 2010 is anything to go by,I would say that week-22nd to 28th May- is perfect for the GF

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:14 pm
by _astralis
I really hope so :) I have the worst luck though so i dont want to get my hopes up too much!

Does anyone know if you get Small Blue at Bonchurch Down as well? What other species do you get at the site?


Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:14 pm
by marmari
At that time on Bonchurch Down hopefully,you can probably see Brown Argus,Adonis Blue,Common Blue,Dingy Skipper,Green Hairstreak,and Small Copper.
I am told on good authority that Small Blue have been reported between Wheelers Bay and Monks Bay,which should mean that you are in the right place at Horseshoe Bay.

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:10 pm
by Susie
I'd be up for going during the early part of that week. :D

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:29 pm
by marmari
Choose a lovely warm sunny day

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:44 pm
by Susie
TBH I think I will leave it a lot closer to the time before I book anything. I know it will make it difficult to organise the event for a group of people but I really don't want to pay for a return ferry crossing and then find out that the day is unsuitable. So if anyone wants to go, go, and I might see you there.

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:59 pm
by marmari
Yes,that is best,if you can

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:29 pm
by _astralis
marmari wrote:At that time on Bonchurch Down hopefully,you can probably see Brown Argus,Adonis Blue,Common Blue,Dingy Skipper,Green Hairstreak,and Small Copper.
I am told on good authority that Small Blue have been reported between Wheelers Bay and Monks Bay,which should mean that you are in the right place at Horseshoe Bay.
Sounds good to me :) Thanks for the info.

Might see you there, Susie!

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:35 pm
by Ian Pratt
I would be happy to join you on your trip. I helped the BBC find the GFs for the One Show a couple of years ago. Let me know when you have agreed a date. :)

Re: Glanville Fritillary

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:30 pm
by _astralis
That would be great, Ian! Though im hoping they wont be too hard to find :) Theres a few of us from the Warwickshire branch coming down for the week so between us, im sure we'll have some success.

I dont suppose you got my email that Pete forwarded on to you?