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UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:43 pm
by Pete Eeles
As a result of the hard work put in by Gary and Lisa, I'm pleased to report that, this year, UKB will be donating £1436.56 to Butterfly Conservation. This comes as a result of sales of calendars, books, prints and the like. Pretty darn spectacular given the economic climate. So thanks, too, to everyone that parted with their cash.

As I've said many times before, this has nothing to do with me - I just run a website. But the commitment that Gary and Lisa have shown just blows me away. Which is why they won this year's Outstanding Contribution Award.

The donation will be announced on the home page tomorrow (and in the next newsletter).


- Pete

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:53 pm
by Neil Hulme
That's brilliant news Pete. I was just about to drop you an email asking how many calendars were sold, having just noticed the 'sold out' banner. As you say, an awesome effort by Gary and Lisa. But let's not forget that the entire show wouldn't exist without your monumental efforts over the years. This is just another 'credit' to the entire UKB website. BC HQ will be delighted.

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:56 pm
by Pete Eeles
The UKB website would be nothing without its contributing members - such as your good self, Neil.

I feel a group hug coming on :)


- Pete

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:01 pm
by Neil Hulme
A warm and fuzzy moment. Three cheers for all :D

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:01 am
by Paul Wetton
Three cheers indeed.

Having only been a member of UKB forums since earlier this year I must comment on how impressed I've been with everyone who contributes.

Everyone has been extremely helpful and friendly.

So threee cheers to all and keep it up everyone.

Have a great Christmas.


Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:49 am
by Jack Harrison
It truly is a superb effort.

But may I suggest a recruiting drive? There are some “big names” missing from the list of UKB contributors. I realise that many of these people are very busy, but it would be marvellous if from time to time Matthew Oates, Ken Willmott, Patrick Barkham (just read the first few pages of his book – superb), Martin Warren, Simon Barnes - to name but a few - could be persuaded to add something to UKB. In return of course, they would get some excellent material for their writings.

We members of UKB might find it easy to overlook the fact that our group must surely be one of the leading internet wildlife forums in the country. Pete has set up and oversees a superb resource; the wider natural history world could perhaps be made more aware.


Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:23 am
by Roger Gibbons
I just run a website
This must be close to the understatement of the year. Anyone who has run a website will realise just how much work is involved, and UKB must entail far more work than others. UKB has done a phenomenal amount to foster interest, knowledge and appreciation of butterflies. I suspect the average age of UKB members is substantially below the average age of BC members, so in some senses UKB is the new generation.

A testament to the popularity of of the UKB Forums is that we are now here in the middle of December and the debates showing little sign of slowing down.

One would like to say that if UKB didn't exist, someone would have to invent it. But I couldn't see this happening. So a huge vote of appreciation is due to Pete and others such as Gary and Lisa and Guy who put in all the time and hard work.


Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:35 am
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Roger - very kind!
Roger Gibbons wrote:A testament to the popularity of of the UKB Forums is that we are now here in the middle of December and the debates showing little sign of slowing down.
I predict we'll hit our 3 millionth visitor before the end of the year :) Absolutely incredible!


- Pete

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:08 pm
by Susie
I'd like to echo the above. This is an amazing resource put together by a terrific person and a wonderful team. Gary, Lisa, and the mods do a fabulous job.

The people on here are extremely helpful and by making so much information accessible to the ordinary person as well as the more academic among you I am sure this will only increase the amount of information there is available.

I wonder how often something which is regarded as butterfly fact because some respected naturalist wrote it in a book a hundred years ago after observing it once will now be disproved because so many people are able to observe and report back their findings.

UK Butts is the hub and we're all spokes in the wheel. Long may it keep turning as we travel towards the future of lepidoptera.

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:32 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Excellent news and a giant pat on the back to all concerned...
I can honestly say that had it not been for UKButts, I would never had got back into insects - I just didn't know where and how to look. I'm sure many members have re-ignited their interest in lepidoptera through the site and that has encouraged us to put our hands in our pockets to support the many projects which have ultimately benefited Butterfly Conservation. Pete, Lisa and Gary continue to put in the time to make this work and long may it continue. A friendlier bunch of people it would be hard to meet. We should all feel free to raise a glass of something suitable over the festive period. Cheers!


Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:25 pm
by Rogerdodge
I was (I think) amongst the first hundred or so members on this site.
It has certainly expanded my knowledge and enthusiasm far more than just gleenng information from books and publicatons.
I must echo all the sentiments in the previous posts.
However, it is, to me, of great importance that UKB is not just a virtual community.
I have personally met more than a couple of dozen of fellow UKBers "in the field".
Some by chance, some by design.
I have found them to be welcoming, knowledgeable, and excellent company. I don't think it would be exaggerating to say that I have made many close friendships that I am sure will endure - even if we only meet up once or twice a year.
I know that many other friendships have been formed via this website, and, that alone, is a valuable service.

Thanks to Pete and Gary and Lisa and Guy (all of whom I have met and count as good friends)and all those with more than a passing involvement in this website.

I raise a glass to you all.


Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:55 pm
by Padfield
Sussex Kipper wrote:A warm and fuzzy moment. Three cheers for all :D
Rogerdodge wrote:I raise a glass to you all.
This is when fizzy Swiss lager just won't do. :evil:

("Pissevache" says it all...)

This is my 2549th post in four years (averaging out at 1.75 posts a day) and I've read pretty well every post others have made, except for nerdy camera stuff. When I actually lived in the UK I was never anywhere near so much in touch with the butterfly community and it is a real pleasure to share in it now from abroad. Roger is right - it's not just a virtual community. If a maximum of six degrees separate everyone in the world, I wonder what the radius of the UK Butts community is, in terms of physically meeting each other. I've met two Rogers, a Paul, a Nick and a Pete. Between them, they've met a lot of others (and told me tales aplenty about you...)...

In nearly four years of moderating I've only edited one offensive post. The standards of civility on this site are remarkable, even when people get seriously irritated by each other.

Warm and fuzzy feelings, and full glasses, are definitely in order. Perhaps this would also be a good moment (not necessarily the right post) to ask where people see the site going in the future. If it still exists in 20, 50, 100 years time, in what form will its accumulating wisdom and insights be accessible (the inspiration for that question comes from Piers, aka 'Felix', who ranks high on my UK Butts must-meet list)? What innovations would people like to see (that Pete will then have to implement! Ha!)?

Enough Pissevache.


Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:34 pm
by Roger Gibbons
On the subject of amusing signs, this is one from a campsite near Isola.
Unfortunately it is just what my French sounds like to a Frenchman.

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:46 pm
by David M
Excellent effort, and like so many before have said, it's a measure of how valuable this forum is due to the hard work put in by a select few individuals.

Last year, my interest in butterflies which had lain dormant for many years was resurrected, but it was the availability of this site that led to that rekindled interest transforming once again into an over-riding passion.

Whatever happens to me in the future, I am gratefully secure in the knowledge that if I have any issues or questions, then there will be members on here that can provide insight, support and answers.

I'm pleased to say that I have been a member of BC for several months now and the car sticker is firmly emblazoned on my Vauxhall Corsa. I also bought up my supply of raffle tickets recently. Additionally, I have purchased several books thanks to recommendations from this site (be they direct or indirect). At the moment, I am thoroughly absorbing Tristan Lafranchis' "Les Papillons de Jour de France, Belgique et Luxembourg et leurs Chenilles". Had it not been for this site, I would never have known about this work and would consequently have remained forever ignorant of butterfly distribution in France.

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:58 pm
by Pete Eeles
padfield wrote:This is my 2549th post in four years (averaging out at 1.75 posts a day)
And we're all very grateful :)
padfield wrote:If it still exists in 20, 50, 100 years time, in what form will its accumulating wisdom and insights be accessible (the inspiration for that question comes from Piers, aka 'Felix', who ranks high on my UK Butts must-meet list)? What innovations would people like to see (that Pete will then have to implement! Ha!)?
Great question. I do get concerned that little gems of information come and go, without ever being catalogued in any sensible way. Even if the search facility worked stupendously well, it would still be nigh on impossible to locate that precious post.

I was wondering if we should record interesting threads that are then linked to from a known place - making relocation much easier than it is today.

Anyway - all suggestions are, as ever, most welcome.


- Pete

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:02 pm
by David M
Pete Eeles wrote: Great question. I do get concerned that little gems of information come and go, without ever being catalogued in any sensible way. Even if the search facility worked stupendously well, it would still be nigh on impossible to locate that precious post.

I was wondering if we should record interesting threads that are then linked to from a known place - making relocation much easier than it is today.

Anyway - all suggestions are, as ever, most welcome.


- Pete
Why not create a 'Favourites' section? I don't know what the criteria for preservation would be (number of replies, degree of hitherto unknown information, resonance of views articulated, etc) but many other forums employ just such a tool.

Some forums create a "sticky" thread when such status is reached, others archive them in a specially reserved section.

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:05 pm
by Lee Hurrell
I'd also like to add my thanks to all mentioned above.

It was the Painted Lady invasion in May 2009 that prompted me to join UKB. I just wanted to share seeing so many with somebody! I'd been looking at the site since the winter and then joined to report my sightings and what do you know, they're everywhere!

On UKB I have learnt much more than I previously knew, and continue to do so. I've learnt where to go to find butterflies, (I remember thinking as a child that I would NEVER see a Purple Emperor as I just didn't know where to go to find them), what to do when I'm there and who to tell if I see them. I've learnt what to plant in the garden (and what not to) to attract insects. I've learnt (a bit) about my camera and some techniques on how to use it. The list goes on and on.

From UKB I then joined BC and learnt more about conservation and recording sightings.

So thanks to Pete for the site, Gary and Lisa for their work involved in raising the great donation, Guy and Felix for the advice and ID help and all members for their input.

I have met a few members, both planned and not (who is that in the woods - stand up Mark Senior!) and echo Roger's comment about how friendly everyone is. Someone I had never met in person gave me a car full of buddliea cuttings at the photo workshop (and they're going strong!).

So while we're having a group hug, count me in :D Oh, and my glass is full but I've only had one though.....



Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:14 pm
by Susie
That's good to read, Lee. :D

Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:48 pm
by millerd
I joined in 2009 after several years' membership (continuing) of BC, and after getting into more active butterfly watching in 2008. UKB has multiplied my enjoyment level manyfold of what is an immensely rewarding hobby. I never cease to be amazed by the knowledge of the contributors, their willingness to share and their almost universal preparedness to accept another opinion as being as valid as their own. I have learnt a great deal, and the level of erudition exhibited on many subjects means that this has been in a variety of fields - not just butterflies! UKB is amazingly friendly, and the community warmly welcomes every contribution small and large, esoteric and mundane alike.

Huge thanks are due to all behind the scenes and to Pete for making it all happen. Long may it continue - Cheers!


Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:11 am
by NickB
Roger Gibbons wrote: ...I suspect the average age of UKB members is substantially below the average age of BC members, so in some senses UKB is the new generation. Roger
May I just add my thanks to Pete, and all UKB Members, who make this THE UK Natural History website! In terms of openness, sharing of information, humour, and most importantly, knowledge, this must surely be the case. And anyone who went to the recent BC AGM would know that the average age (at least of those attending) was , ahem, shall we say, closer to retirement than student!
And hereby lies an issue for BC: what does IT need to do to attract a younger membership?

I don't think it is an issue just for BC, it applies to many conservation organisations - the average age of volunteers at my son's WT Reserve is over 60. I know retired people have more time, but how do we drag the current generation from in front of their Wii or Playstation or Xbox and engage them?
I do feel that sometimes, in federated organisations, like BC and WT, once the HQ starts to plough its own furrow, the tail starts to wag the dog! For instance, BC's Big Butterfly Count with M&S means that our own Branches' Butterfly Week has to be moved, to accommodate M&S! I do feel that allowing our organisations to be prostituted to the likes of M&S for their cash is not the message we want to send out. Who will remember BC when it is the M&S Big Butterfly Count? Who gets the biggest benefit from aligning their brand with the other? BC or M&S?
M&S is not an philanthropic organisation, they are there to make money; the calculation to spend it is based on the fact that it is of value to their brand first and foremost.

Is this the future?

..... "This is not just any old Red Admiral, this is a Marks & Spencer's Red Admiral".....