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BC press release

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:27 am
by Pete Eeles
Out today - and picked up by the Daily Mail: ... homes.html

Nice photo of a Large Chequered Skipper :)


- Pete

Re: BC press release

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:20 am
by Roger Gibbons
Commendable article, good to see intensive farming being publicly put in the frame as one of the chief culprits, and getting some flak. The article could also have mentioned the selling off of British woodlands, an indication that the current governing elite have no more concern for nature than the previous incumbents.

I believe BC is working on a major strategy to engage the general public more and get more public support for conservation issues. I suggested an approach along the lines of “do you want your grandchildren to grow up never seeing any butterflies?”

I wonder how many DM readers will spot that the “Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon)” is actually a Large Chequered Skipper (Heteropterus morpheus), a non-UK species?

Re: BC press release

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:30 pm
by David M
Roger Gibbons wrote:I wonder how many DM readers will spot that the “Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon)” is actually a Large Chequered Skipper (Heteropterus morpheus), a non-UK species?
Very few of them I'd say.