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From Pakistan: Common Peacock, Painted Lady, Striped Tiger

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:13 pm
by Josephiah
A Common Peacock - apologies for the blurriness, but these guys just won't sit still, preferring to hover over their drinks. The other days we also saw an equally large one of similar shape, but entirely black - can't find a matching pic anywhere - any ideas?
Common Peacock
Common Peacock
My favourite so far: a painted lady pausing for a drink in our neighbour's garden.
Painted Lady (side)
Painted Lady (side)
Painted Lady (top)
Painted Lady (top)
And a few of a Striped Tiger I found today - I think all of the same individual.
Striped Tiger (1)
Striped Tiger (1)
Striped Tiger (2)
Striped Tiger (2)
Striped Tiger (3)
Striped Tiger (3)
Striped Tiger (4)
Striped Tiger (4)
And lastly, I have no idea what this is - anyone have any idea?
Any ideas?
Any ideas?

Re: From Pakistan: Common Peacock, Painted Lady, Striped Ti

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:07 pm
by Padfield
The last butterfly is a female Lasiommata schakra - closely related to the European wall butterflies.


Re: From Pakistan: Common Peacock, Painted Lady, Striped Ti

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:44 pm
by Padfield
Forgot to say - I like the other pictures too! Especially the striped tiger. I got long shots of this species when I visited India in April but none posed like yours. I'll check up possibilities for the all black swallowtail when I get back from work.


Re: From Pakistan: Common Peacock, Painted Lady, Striped Ti

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:39 pm
by Padfield
Can't find an all black, tailed swallowtail that flies in the region. Sorry! They all have varying amounts of white, red or blue on the hindwing. Maybe someone else who knows the region might have an idea...


Re: From Pakistan: Common Peacock, Painted Lady, Striped Ti

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:13 am
by Josephiah
padfield wrote:Can't find an all black, tailed swallowtail that flies in the region. Sorry! They all have varying amounts of white, red or blue on the hindwing. Maybe someone else who knows the region might have an idea...

It's quite possible that it might have had some colour on its underside - we only really saw it from the top, whilst it was moving pretty fast. It certainly didn't have any of the blue or green patches or reflective sheen that the Peacocks do.