Agadir, Morocco in January

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Agadir, Morocco in January

Post by Gibster »

Hi all,

I'm planning a birding holiday to the Souss region of Morocco (close to Agadir) late January. I don't have a butterfly guide to the region, although the Collins Butterfly Guide comes fairly close.

I realise that January is less than optimum for butterfly watching (!) but does anyone know of a decent guidebook for the area I'm going to? If nothing else I'm hoping for Greenish Black-tip and Painted Lady!!! I may be returning sometime in April, when a guide would be more relevent.

Also, has anybody butterflied Morocco in the wintertime and if so, could I have a squint at your report if you did one?

Many thanks


PS - any recent birding trip reports from the area in winter would be very useful too!
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