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Small White and SMall Tortoiseshell pupae

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:13 am
by Dave McCormick
I have been rearing caterpillars over this year and most have pupated and hatched (exept a number of moths that overwinter as pupae or caterpillars) and I still have three small white pupae unhatched, but still alive. Also have a Small Tortoiseshell pupae unhatched too, but looks alive also. Will they hatch this year, or will they overwinter like this? (I know in wild they would have hatched before now but not sure about in captivity)

Re: Small White and SMall Tortoiseshell pupae

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:42 pm
by millerd
The Small Tortoiseshell will probably hatch, as they do not normally overwinter as pupae. The Whites could go either way, as around this time of year they often seek out spots under the eaves of houses to pupate and sit there happily until spring. However, given sunshine and warmth, they might well hatch before winter.


Re: Small White and SMall Tortoiseshell pupae

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:12 pm
by Dave McCormick
Hi Millard,

Forgive the late reply, have not been to well lately, but getting over it. I moved the two small white pupae to somewhere safer than they were and noticed a lot of small flies (or possibly they are wasps, not sure) and noticed two holes in the Small Tortoiseshell pupae, one on each side of where the wings show, so seems it was parasited and why it didn't hatch around same time as other I had.