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not sure what to do with comma pupa?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:29 am
by Emmab

This week we found a pupa (or chrysalis, not sure what the right word is :oops: ) on the wall opposite our flat. I've had a look on the website and I think it looks like a comma butterfly- dark brown and spiky, with two spikes like little hooks at the bottom, and some gold metallic-looking patches on one side (I did try and take a photo but my phone's not really good enough)

The reason I'm asking is that it looks very exposed where it is- it's just hanging of the side of the wall, it looks like anyone walking past would knock it off :?

I know I've seen people raising them in jam jars untill they're ready to fly off on t.v somewhere but I'm not sure how to go about it, or if this would be a good idea? would we be doing more harm than good by moving it? Is raising them 'artificialy' easy enough to do that a complete beginner to do it? I like the idea of watching one 'hatch' but don't want to go moving it if it's better off left :?

Thanks for your help


Re: not sure what to do with comma pupa?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:03 am
by Pete Eeles
Hi Emma,

Since the pupa (chrysalis is also the correct "common" name!) has survived as both larva (caterpillar) and pupa this long, I'd be inclined to leave it where it is. There are other potential hazards were you to remove it - including, removing it safely, ensuring that the pupa doesn't dry out (unlikely), ensuring the emerging adult is in a good position to expand its wings properly, and letting the adult go at the right time.


- Pete

Re: not sure what to do with comma pupa?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:11 am
by Emmab
- pete-

I'll leave it where it is then- it survived the rain and the wind we've had this week it's probably hardier than it looks :D



Re: not sure what to do with comma pupa?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:32 pm
by Jack Harrison
Your chrysalis is there because when a caterpillar, it instinctively “thought”: “This is a good spot”. It’s rather like the cat that climbs a tree and then apparently gets “stuck”. It went up the tree because that seemed a good idea. Leave the cat alone and it will come back down of its own accord when hungry. Leave the chrysalis alone and it will survive as well there as any place. But if you have the chance, try to watch what happens; that will be most interesting. And please share your observations in due course.


Re: not sure what to do with comma pupa?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:15 pm
by Paul
If you keep watching it, one day you will see the butterfly can be seen through the casing.... then keep a close eye on it and you may just see it hatch :D (over the next 24 hours!) :roll: :wink:

