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This isn't a Grizzled Skipper, is it?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:08 am
by Butterflymax
Hi there. I was exploring the Ashlawn Cutting section of Great Central Walk in Rugby on Sunday afternoon, when this little beauty caught my eye. I thought at long last I'd found a butterfly I hadn't seen before. At first I thought it was a Grizzled Skipper (so far I've only ever seen Large Skippers), but comparing it to the photos in the Skipper section of this website I now think it isn't one, and fritillaries are almost extinct in Warwickshire. So what on earth is it? I think it is the undersides of the wings that are visible here, not the uppersides. I realise it is possibly a moth. Any ideas, anyone? :?:

Re: This isn't a Grizzled Skipper, is it?

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:36 am
by Pete Eeles