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Scotch Argus

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:34 pm
by Lawts
This was my first Scotch Argus, seen at Arnside Knott yesterday. I was underwhelmed with a butterfly I was looking forward to seeing. I was particularly surprised by the uniform underwing, with just a faint suggestion of the patterning I was hoping to see. Is it simply a warn individual accounting for this? I saw about five in the short time I was able to be on site, but none seemed to show a text book underwing.

Re: Scotch Argus

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:53 am
by Vince Massimo
Lawts, I think you were definately unlucky if all the individuals you saw looked like that. That is not a typical underwing for this species on this site and I assume that all the ones you encountered must have been older specimens. They do seem to get very worn very quickly - probably something to do with them diving in and out of vegetetion all the time. I was there on 28th July, which was just over a week after they began to emerge, and they were looking glorious. I don't know how close you are to the site, but another visit may be worthwhile after a spell of sunny weather, as this may well promote a flush of new hatchings. Here are a couple of typical views taken on my visit.
Male Scotch Argus
Male Scotch Argus
Female Scotch Argus
Female Scotch Argus

Re: Scotch Argus

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:25 am
by Lawts
Thanks Vince.

The upperwing looked like the one in your shot. It was just the worn underwing that surprised me.
