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cheap stick-on close-up lens for camera phones

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:19 pm
by SpitfireTriple
Has anyone tried one of these? ... ses/16031/

Of course, it isn't going to deliver the results of a "proper" camera with a proper close-up leans. But could it be any good for those of us who own only camera phones? Could it be used with compact cameras?

Re: cheap stick-on close-up lens for camera phones

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:28 am
by Markulous
SpitfireTriple wrote:Has anyone tried one of these?
Looks like a fun couple of addons - think I'd go for both! But I guess I'd emphasise "fun" as I think that's really all they'd be capable of capturing

Here's a shot of my well-shot Mr Squeak taken with a mobile phone (SE k750i) - you can see the distortion upper left corner, so addons would distort even more
SpitfireTriple wrote:Could it be used with compact cameras?
Should work with any camera that the magnetic ring'll fit - not sure how autofocus/stabilising would be (on compacts or phone cameras)