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Brown hairstreak at Whitecross

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:58 pm
by jonno
I am 13 and this is my posting to this amazing website. I hope some of you experts can help, please! :wink:

My dad has been driving me around this year and I have now seen 45 species in the UK with the help of the info that I have seen on UKB. I am trying to convince him to take me to Whitecross tomorrow for brown hairstreak which I can't wait to see but I don't know whether this poor weather is going to be a problem as I understand that these are sun-loving butterflies. The forecast is 20degrees but mainly cloudy?

Have BHs been seen there this week in similar / non-sunny condition please and are there hints anyone can give me?



Re: Brown hairstreak at Whitecross

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:32 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi Jonno - and welcome!

Looking at the weather report, you should be Ok for tomorrow. This species certainly likes warmth and sun - so very weather-dependent. But they will fly in intermittent sunshine, which will give you the best chance of finding the critters. Without this warmth, they'll be pretty static and are very difficult to spot since their orange undersides are also excellent camouflage!

I assume you know how to enter the wood since it's not obvious (you need to go through 2 gates)? I've found Brown Hairstreak around the car park - especially in the area on the right just as you enter the reserve. But that was a few years ago.


- Pete

Re: Brown hairstreak at Whitecross

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:17 pm
by jonno
Hi Pete

Cool! That's tomorrow sorted then!

I have a lot still to learn so very grateful for any guidance like this - thanks
