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It's a Skipper (I think!) but which one?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:55 pm
by TedM
This lovely beast landed on a flower right next to me as I was taking photos of a Green-veined White last week here in Cornwall, and I've just spent hours searching the internet to try and identify which day-flying moth it is. Having given up as nothing seemed anything like it I was idling around the UK Butterflies images when I twigged it is actually a Skipper. :oops: My limited ability, though, means I really can't distinguish which Skipper it is. Personally, I blame my age!! :lol: Once again, any help would be very much appreciated.
Help! Which Skipper is this one, please.
Help! Which Skipper is this one, please.

Re: It's a Skipper (I think!) but which one?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:58 pm
by Vince Massimo
Hi Ted,

It's a male Large Skipper and is in surprisingly good condition so late in the season.


Re: It's a Skipper (I think!) but which one?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:09 pm
by TedM
Wow, thanks, Vince. That was quick. He only stayed for a few seconds then was gone - so quick I couldn't follow to get any better shots. It's the first one I've ever photographed so I'm chuffed to bits he came to say hello.
Thanks for helping to identify him.