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Rodborough Common, Gloucestershire.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:37 am
by Willrow
Hello UK Butterflyers!

I've been registered as a member of this wonderful website for a little while now and thought it might be the time to become involved with a post.

Visited Rodborough Common, near Stroud in Gloucestershire on Thursday, hoping to see and photograph Chalkhill Blues. The Met Office and the BBC forecast a dry but cloudy day, they did'nt quite get it right, I was frustrated with showers for most of the morning and contented myself by doing a general recce of the common. The afternoon was much better with at least some sunny intervals and this got the Chalkhill and Common Blues on the wing, I was encouraged to find reasonable numbers of the former on the Butterrow Hill end of the common, the most pleasant surprise came just after lunch when my eye was taken with a few Common Blues sparring, among them was the most brilliant blue butterfly I've ever seen - it could only be an Adonis first ever sighting of this superb insect! I simply was'nt expecting to see Adonis Blue here yet, I understood it would be at the earliest mid-August for the second brood, what a bonus this turned out to be, but although I searched I saw only this one solitary male. Several Brown Argus were present and I certainly was not disappointed with the Chalkhill Blue, what delightful butterflies they are, it's little wonder the species has so many fans.

For those who may wish to visit Rodborough, parking is good (and seems quite safe) with at least four parking areas adjacent to the common on a rather busy road, but be aware this is a real mecca for dog walkers. The common is also grazed, I counted more than sixty cows doing what cows do on and for commons. I don't think I have to remind anyone that this is a stronghold for the Duke of Burgundy, my visit gave me a good opportunity to check out the areas they favour with the hope of returning next May and spending a little time with them.

Before I finish, may I recommend to anyone intending to visit to also take in Swellshill Bank which is on another National Trust property a mile further down the road from Rodborough called Bowman Common, there were many more Chalkhill Blues there than on Rodborough, but by then it was considerably warmer. This is also a highly recommended area for both Adonis Blue and Duke of Burgundy according to the National Trust. I first read about Rodborough Common in a booklet published by Butterfly Conservation's - Gloucestershire Branch called 40 Butterfly Walks in Gloucestershire which I'm sure can be found by a search of Amazon or similar. There are also several other topics about Rodborough Common to be found by searching UK Butterflies.



Re: Rodborough Common, Gloucestershire.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:35 pm
by Piers
Hi Bill,

Welcome to the Forum..!

That's certainly an Adonis Blue, and jolly early as well. That could be a second brood record for Glos, especially as they have only recently returned to the County after some years absence.

It will be interesting to hear more from you in the coming months (and next year as well) as the majority of our sightings seem to come from the south and east of England. Gloucestershire is a little under represented in this department.

So where would you say are the best Gloucestershire sites for Chalkhills these days in terms of numbers? This county was historically quite a stronghold for the butterfly. I remember when I was young seeing a great many on Stinchcombe Hill near Dursley, but that was a few decades ago.

Are Wood White still present in Midger Wood? and how about Uley Bury; is that still a good Duke site?

Cheers for now,


Re: Rodborough Common, Gloucestershire.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:07 pm
by Willrow
Many thanks for the warm welcome Felix.

I'm only just finding out about Butterfly sites in Gloucestershire, my only other forays into the county have been the good fortune to do quite a number of moth trapping sessions at the Nagshead NNR in the Forest of Dean and chasing White Admiral and Wood White on the Gloucestershire side of the Wye Valley!

My 'hometurf' is Glamorgan (VC41) and Monmouthshire (Gwent VC35) unfortunately we don't have habitat suitable for chalk/downland species such as Adonis or Chalkhill Blue, so I've made the effort this year to venture over the border in search of the more wonderfully exotic species such as Adonis and Chalkhill :D I shall keep UK Butterflies informed of any sites in the county I visit in the future that I think may prove of interest.

Most interesting to read your remarks on the possible relevance of the early date for the Adonis Blue for Gloucestershire, I shall send the details to the County Butterfly Recorder.

Best Wishes,


Re: Rodborough Common, Gloucestershire.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:37 pm
by Mark Senior
Welcome to the site Bill , look forward to more posts from you .

See ... 251322.stm for sone information on this topic .

Re: Rodborough Common, Gloucestershire.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:46 pm
by Mark Senior
IIRC , there was a small second brood emergence of the Duke of Burgundy at this site in 2009 .

Re: Rodborough Common, Gloucestershire.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:07 pm
by Willrow
Mark Senior wrote:IIRC , there was a small second brood emergence of the Duke of Burgundy at this site in 2009 .
Thanks for the welcome Mark, that's very encouraging information, I hope to return to Rodborough sometime during the middle of the month and will pay particular attention to the areas that support colonies, never know I could just strike lucky :D

Kind Regards,


Re: Rodborough Common, Gloucestershire.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:18 pm
by Mark Senior
2nd brood Dukes are exceptionally rare , I doubt whether this summer has been good enough .