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July in Brittany (Part 2)

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 9:02 pm
by Paulcrook
Continuing my last submission

5. Huelgoat (Forest) July 18th 2010

Large White (1)
Small White (several)
Purple Hairstreak (Photo attached) (2)
Holly Blue (3)
Purple Emperor (1) (Photo attached) (as mentioned in a previous submission this butterfly and the Large Tortoiseshell illustrated were both on the same tree at the same time. The Large Tortoiseshell shot could be better but it was a bit of a surprise to see them both at the same time - I wasn't ready for that!)
White Admiral (3) (Photo attached)
Large Tortoiseshell (1) (Photo attached)
Silver-washed Fritillary (6 or so) (Photo attached)
Meadow Brown (1)

6. Huelgoat (Forest) July 23rd 2010

Small White (1)
Ringlet (6 or so)
Meadow Brown (too many to count)

One more to come
