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July in Brittany (Part 1)

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:53 pm
by Paulcrook
As promised a week or so ago I thought I would send in a report of our trip to Brittany earlier in July.

Despite only intentionally looking for butterflies on 3 days of the holiday we did manage to see 29 different species plus one moth.

The list (with locations and dates) is as follows:-

1. Carnac (lake near the town centre) July 16th 2010
Holly Blue (3)
Gatekeeper (probably 30 or so)
Small Skipper (1)
Also present were Little Egret, Black-headed Gull, Blackcap and Goldfinch

2. Carnac (Alignements) July 17th 2010
Green-veined White (1)
Gatekeeper (5)
Meadow Brown (1)
Ringlet (3)
Speckled Wood (1)
Didn't spend much time looking here as the trip was supposed to be to look at the impressive prehistoric stones.

3. Huelgoat garden (Various dates)
Small White
Clouded Yellow
Purple Hairstreak
Purple Emperor (There were oak trees bordering the garden)
Silver-washed Fritillary
Meadow Brown

4. Huelgoat (Lake in the town centre) July 18th 2010
Small White
Red Admiral
Silver-washed Fritillary
Meadow Brown
Large Skipper

More to follow (if you're not too bored so far)
