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How many men should mow a meadow

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:09 am
by Mark Senior
On other threads there have been comments by various people on the effect on butterfly numbers esp Chalkhill Blues of the management of various reserves in terms of mowing and/or grazing .
There does not seem to have been much scientific input into some of the actions on some of these reserves .
The Bedelands Farm Nature Reserve near Burgess Hill has been running a scirntific study for some years now in conjunction with Sussex University on the optimum time for hay cutting and effect of grazing on butterfly numbers ,
see and

I wonder if the results of this study is more widely known particularly amongst those who manage ( or don't manage ) other Nature Reserves .

Re: How many men should mow a meadow

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:43 am
by NickB
....and the answer is...?
Seriously, though, this seems a good experiment; be good to be able to see some of the findings, tho'...ah found them... :oops: