Sites on/near plateau de millevaches, Limousin, France

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Sites on/near plateau de millevaches, Limousin, France

Post by Nickroe »

I am going on 2 week holiday to the plateau de millevaches and was wondering if anyone knows of good sites in the area? I believe that there are plenty of species to be seen but have no idea where to go to see them. Also I am fancying taking my black light with me to do some mothing. What's the mothing like round there. I'm staying next to the lac de Vassivière. The whole family are getting very excited!!!!
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Re: Sites on/near plateau de millevaches, Limousin, France

Post by Paul »


I don't know how experienced you are so forgive me if this is unhelpful, but....

I don't know the area you are going to so I can't be specific, but I suggest you just find suitable looking tracks, disused areas, old quarrys, and you may well be very pleasantly surprised!

One other trick I have used is to find your destination on google earth and look carefully at the surrounding areas from above... can give clues as to rough ground and points of easy access. I found places in France that way I would never have come across by chance.

Lastly, please take lots of photos to show us, there are some expert ID people looking in if you're unsure - and have a great time :D
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