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Arnside Knott for Scotch Argus

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:14 am
by Vince Massimo
I am hoping to get to Arnside Knott on Wednesday 28th July to finally try to get some decent photos of Scotch Argus. (Anyone looking at my gallery will see what I mean). I would be very grateful to know what sort of numbers are being seen at the moment. Any information at all would be appreciated.


Re: Arnside Knott for Scotch Argus

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:02 pm
by Essex Bertie
I saw a single Scotch Argus on Wednesday 21st July at Arnside Knott. Conditions were excellent that afternoon. So hot was the climb to the top that 2 Grayling settled on my T-shirt. Others seen:

Grayling 15, High Brown Fritillary 5, Dark Green Fritillary 5 (incl mating pair), DGF/HBF 25+, Northern Brown Argus 1 (lower slopes), Red Admiral 1, Small Tortoiseshell 2, Meadow Brown 50+, Gatekeeper 1, Small Skipper 1, Large Skipper 1, Green-veined White 10+, Large White 2.

Other Cumbria visitor info - Honister/Fleetwith (SD216133) - conditions not great but possibly saw the last of the Mountain Ringlets there. 2 on Tuesday 20th and 1 on Friday 23rd. None seen at Dale Head on 23rd.
Latterbarrow - 8 HBF seen on 21st in cool conditions. Meadow Brown 50+.
Meathop Moss - found the large oak tree fine, but completely goofed and only looked in the first CWT area - found out since I should have walked through the coniferous wood at the back and onto the larger bogland for the Large Heath - there's always Shropshire next summer.


Re: Arnside Knott for Scotch Argus

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:38 pm
by Vince Massimo
Thanks for the information Bertie and welcome to the site. Well, at least they are flying and all will be nice and fresh. All I need is one.................
I would still be grateful to anybody who can provide any further sightings before I leave early on Wednesday morning.


Re: Arnside Knott for Scotch Argus

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:57 pm
by phill
I visited Arnside Knott on Friday 23rd July 10:00 to 12:30 in sunny conditions and saw everything I expected, but in low numbers, including :

4 Dark Green Fritillary
5 High Brown Fritillary
8 Scotch Argus
10 Grayling
1 Northern Brown Argus

The numbers haven't picked up yet, but if the damp weather improves so will the count. I usually approach from the south entrance opposite Arnside Tower as this side is south facing.

Good Luck.


Re: Arnside Knott for Scotch Argus

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:13 am
by Vince Massimo
Another good report, thanks Phil, and welcome to the site to you as well. I also appreciate the tip about approaching from the south. This is something I have not tried before because I have usually managed to find my target species shortly after leaving the carpark and climbing the hill. I understand that in recent years Scotch Argus has colonised a larger portion of the site, but I know where the prime spots are and am very encouraged by the news that numbers are now starting to build.

Thanks again,

Re: Arnside Knott for Scotch Argus

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:04 pm
by Vince Massimo
Right, I'm back.

Had a very successful trip, despite the fickle weather. Yesterday saw the first Scotch Argus within 3 minutes of starting to climb the hill and got some safety shots in the bag before the showers started. In total I saw about 25 that day, but these were only the ones I disturbed from the grass as I was wandering around. They are concentrated near the top of the hill at SD775455 in the long grass on a north-west facing slope. I saw about 50 there this morning when the sun briefly came out.
Male Scotch Argus
Male Scotch Argus
More photos and a detailed report will soon appear in the Sightings Forum.
