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A pupa and Foresters for ID

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:52 pm
by traplican
I have some blanks in identification of my observes:

First - a pupa. On July 11th I have taken to photos this pupa on the ripe head of mountain clover:
Other photos: Photo1, photo2, photo3
Can anybody say what it can be?

Second - Foresters. The same day I have snapped some Foresters and they ought to be the Adscita sp. because the ends of the antenae are thick with edgeless termination. Nevertheless, this one:
looks quite differently than this:
Both are females. But maybe I am mistaken and the second ones (here is another photo of similarly looked specimen) are Jornanita sp.? In fact I haven't taken so well focused photo of Jordanita female yet.

Or the first one is Adscita geryon while the socond one is Adcita statices?

And third - I have taken some foam ootheca (most probably). I know that it is not butterfly but soon Orthoptera. Can anybody say what is it?
