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Butterflies (or the lack of)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:36 pm
by Dave McCormick
A few people have mentioned this and I have noticed it too. Anyone notice a lack of butterflies around? Well its like that here, I didn't find any Meadow Browns until later than usual, even Ringlets were not seen around where I live until a few days ago (I found them mid June last year and meadow browns first appeared on 3rd June last year). They are appearing a little later here, but their numbers are still as good as last year. I have only seen a red admiral a few days ago, but no other nymphalids (peacock, small tortoiseshell) I can't include comma as its so rare here. I have seen a few large whites in my garden and the odd speckled wood here and there but thats really it. ALso saw only one common blue whereas I had seen over 50 by this time last year. I have seen hundreds of small heath in the past since May. I don't think its the cold winter that killed more off as good numbers have been seen, just probably delayed them appearing as many I am finding a little later but still in good numbers as usual (minus the white butterflies and the lack of peacocks and small tortoiseshells (or sometimes the complete lack of) ) I haven't seen a peacock or small tortoiseshell in over a month and a half now.

Anyone else notice this? Or have any idea to whats going on

Re: Butterflies (or the lack of)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:51 am
by David M
The prolonged cool start to the year is possibly a contributory factor, retarding emergence in those parts of the country worst affected.

Here in SE Wales there seems to be good numbers of butterflies, though like you, I've not seen a Peacock since May and no Painted Ladies at all. I've spotted 2 Red Admirals lately and quite a few Tortoiseshells though.

Meadow Browns & Ringlets are abundant at the moment, whilst Marbled Whites are common locally.

Re: Butterflies (or the lack of)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:29 am
by Dave McCormick
Well earlier in the season I was seeing more, occational painted lady, holly blues, whites and the odd speckled wood, then for a long time nothing, then a few things here and then, but I suspected it was probably the cold that was a major factor, not the actual lack of butterflies as a friend of mine saw 50 dark green fritillary a couple of days ago.

Re: Butterflies (or the lack of)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:53 pm
by Markulous
Loads of Large Skippers and Common Blues a week or so ago, here in the Peak District - and at altitude (relative!) around the 1,000 foot mark (along with loads of Burnets).

A few Red Admirals, very few Whites of any sort, the occasional Peacock, quite a few Speckled Woods, Ringlets, Meadow Browns and Small Heaths

As a totally unscientific observation there appear to be numbers of a few species and fewer of most species - and all later than expected. But then I've a shot of a few days old duckling taken recently, looking very much like first clutch, so that shows how far behind things are. And my Flycatcher's only just fledged it's young, the Dipper a couple of weeks ago along with the Nuthatch