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novice needs help identifying 2 butterflies

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:57 pm
by Rebecca
Hello I'm new to the forum but have been looking at the site for a while. Although I have been interested in nature for years, I have mainly concentrated on birds and wild flowers but have recently become more interested in butterflies. Normally I can identify the few I see in the garden or out in the fields but I have 2 that I cannot be certain on.

One butterfly I took 2 pictures of (wings open and wings closed) and I cannot be certain which white butterfly it is. The very mottled effect underneath its wings looks like a Bath white but surely it couldn't be?

The second butterfly is a blue but again I am uncertain on which one.

I apologise for the quality of the pictures but they were taken with the camera on my phone whilst i was out with the dogs.


Re: novice needs help identifying 2 butterflies

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:22 pm
by Gruditch
Hi Rebecca, welcome to the forum. The butterfly in the top image is a Common Blue, the other two images are of a female Orange-tip. :)

Regards Gruditch

Re: novice needs help identifying 2 butterflies

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:32 pm
by Rebecca
Thank you very much Gruditch. That would make a lot of sense as I have seen alot of orange tips in the woods this year, just confused me with the lack of orange tip! :oops: I have seen quite alot of blues this year which is very unusual as I didn't see any around here last year.
Thank you again.

Re: novice needs help identifying 2 butterflies

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:38 pm
by David M
Common Blues, this year at least, should be renamed 'abundant blues'.