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Beacon Hill, Warnford, Hants.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:13 am
by pearsoda
Does anyone know who manages the grazing regime at this site. A large area is currently fenced off for grazing by a small flock of sheep. Is this the right time of year for this? The rest of the site has a profusion of wild flowers and butterfly life. I am no expert but I am concerned that this grazing will be detrimental to the future of the Chalkhill Blues and Silver-spotted Skippers when they emerge later in the year. Last year the slopes were grazed right down to the ground and very few of these species were seen.

Re: Beacon Hill, Warnford, Hants.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:57 pm
by Gruditch
I wouldn't panic too much Pearsoda, the Silver-spotted Skipper thrives on short turf, I would imagine that if the site is being maintained for the Silver-spotted Skipper, then they will take the sheep off before the end of June.

Kind Regards Gruditch

Re: Beacon Hill, Warnford, Hants.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:33 pm
by pearsoda
Thanks Gruditch,

I hope that is the case. Last year there were no devil's bit scabious or other flowers left standing. I will visit at the end of June and report back!

Dave Pearson

Re: Beacon Hill, Warnford, Hants.

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:29 pm
by Piers
Hi Dave,

Gruditch is right, and the Silver Spotted Skipper has fared poorly at this site over the last few years despite doing very well at other localities. I imagine that the grazing regime aims to restore the habitat that the species needs, even if in the short term it means that the sheep chew off all this years flower heads.

The important thing will be how the habitat looks at Silver Spotted Skipper time; hopefully nice short (but not too short) tussocks of sheep's fescue, a little bare ground and some suitable longer stems upon which the adults can roost.

Time will tell....
