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Duke of Burgundy - North Yorkshire

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:38 pm
by Chris
Does anybody know whether the Duke of Burgundy site at Pickering is a secret location or whether I'm just rubbish at finding the right info. I know roughly where they are and have been week after week in May and June for the last two years and have not found one! Nearly got shot once too, but thats a different story.

Can anybody help?

Contact BC

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:22 pm
by Pete Eeles
Maybe not the direct answer you're looking for Chris, but I'd suggest contacting the Yorkshire branch of Butterfly Conservation. BC are a friendly bunch. Even better, if you're not a member, then I'd recommend joining. The branch website is at


- Pete

Duke of Burgundy-North Yorkshire

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:55 pm
Surfing through the internet I did find this website Chris http://www.north-yorkshire-moors.freese ... 74.htm#two which is issue 74of “Voice of the Moors”.The report clearly states the “Duke” can be found at Pickering and Hemsley. Sadly it dated 2003 so the information given may well have changed since going to print. Its makes interesting reading which hopefully may advance your investigation.
Hope it helps in some way.

