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Glanville Fritillary Abb.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:25 am
by mvpike
Hi All,

I came across this Glanville on 28/5/10 which appears to be some form of abberation?

My belief was that variations in Glanvilles are not common? Anyone care to add any info if they have any please!


Glanville Fritillary Abb.
Glanville Fritillary Abb.

Re: Glanville Fritillary Abb.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:06 pm
by NickB
Not enough around here (ie. Zero) for me to know... :(
however... ... ecLimit=20
is a start....

Re: Glanville Fritillary Abb.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:24 pm
by Piers
Hi Mark.

With the reduction of black bands in the discal and post discal areas (giving the impression of increased orange areas) this butterfly is known as ab. gracilens.

There is an aberration of the Duke of Burgundy which has the same name, for the same reasons...

You're quite right about aberrations in this species; there are only around thirty named aberrations recorded in this country (compared to about sixty for Marsh Frit and the same again for Heath Frit).

It's a very striking looking butterfly I must say, really lovely.
