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Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:49 pm
by NickB
Speaking of Pilgrimages, the annual ritual of standing in the middle of a blackthorn thicket for the day draws nearer......
Occasionally, a Black Hairstreak may drift into view.....

That was the experience of a couple of people I met last year (and most at Glapthorn the previous year :roll: except Roger, who delighted in showing us the "one he got earlier"....)....but the chance of seeing a dozen or so is also a distinct possibility too.....(here's one I "got earlier" - last year 13th June)
I will keep my eyes on the local sightings, but the second week in June has been their peak emergence time for the past two years, so that weekend (12/13th June) looks a good possibility. So far, JackH and Charles (Captain Catkin) Nicol have been mad enough to say they will turn up - us locals will probably be there both days anyway, if it is reasonable weather - so if anyone else is thinking of Black Hairstreak, let us know.....
Brampton has been successful due to the work of local volunteers and BC involvement, so if there are a lot of people coming down, we should let them know that we are not going to trash the place and that we really appreciate their efforts in keeping this delightful species going....
(Some decent shots for their Website and other publications, for instance...)

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:00 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Hey Nick,
I intend coming along for a wander and a chin-wag.... its only about 20 minutes drive from me and how could I possibly miss out on such a prestigious gathering of old farts - Yep, I'm sure I'll fit right in :lol: :lol: :lol:
Seeing a black hairstreak or three would be a bonus.


Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:11 pm
by NickB
Sorry, I should have remembered and included you in the list of bete noire attending.....
Plenty more room in the middle of the blackthorn patch...

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:18 am
by Jack Harrison
I hesitate to suggest a change in venue, but I had reasonable success last summer in Monks Wood. I took a wrong turn from the eastern entrance, quickly realised my error but then carried on to rejoin my planned route later. I reached the intended track further south than where originally intended, but was immediately greeted by four or five Black Hairstreaks. I thought this was easy! But they remained high and I didn’t manage a single photo. Further north along that track, several people gathered (including Trev) but although we say one BH, it remained resolutely out of camera range.

I have only been to Monks Wood a couple of times, but it does seem to be a good place, with White Admiral and Marbled White (a relatively new colonist apparently) to name just two; and of course, just a mile or two away is Woodwalton Marsh (just north of the village) with its Grizzled Skippers.
My vote would be for Monks Wood rather than Brampton. Woodwalton does have a pub!

Jack (and don't forget to click on "thumbnail")

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:48 am
by Trev Sawyer
Hi Jack,
I could be wrong, but I think Nick was trying to help check how well the work at Brampton was going and was hoping to encourage a few keen spotters to help. We could meet elsewhere (with potentially better chances of getting close to the hairstreaks), but that may not be the intention. I may be wrong, but perhaps Nick can clarify.


Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:51 am
by NickB
Well, I guess any encouragement for the work at Brampton would be a bonus, but my main reason is that having had chance to suss-out Brampton, I know the locations of at least 2 colonies there, plus winter trips have allowed me to locate the other potential blackthorn areas which we were not "shown" last year.
Several colonies do exist within the wood, so we would have a better chance of success with a little local knowledge on our side. I do not know Monks Wood myself, but appreciate Jack's input and knowledge there; we could do both.....
Trev; what are your thoughts on Brampton vs Monks Wood?
EDIT: Well, given that it was possible at Brampton to get where they were taking honey-dew from the nettles at camera level it was possible to also get pictures of the ones we saw.....and White Admiral are also present in Brampton, if you know where to look (I've seen them in the same places the last 2 years too).

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:09 am
by Trev Sawyer
I'm entirely happy with either/both Nick...
Monk's Wood was good last year and as Jack said, we did see a few butterflies.
Brampton Wood was one I would like to learn a bit more about as I missed the guided tour last year. I have been there on numerous occasions and seen hairstreaks in a couple of different places, but I know there are good areas I have yet to see. Your "potential" areas at Brampton also sound interesting and I would certainly be up for helping to check these out.


Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:21 am
by NickB
Hi Trev - Sounds like Brampton is a better bet from a local knowledge point-of-view; I will probably suss-out on Sat 12th anyway if Sunday 13th is the "official" trip. If you wanted to meet on Saturday, we could do a preliminary rece of the sites I know (3 actually) and check the areas I found on the east edge too. Charles may be up for Saturday too, as he can't do Sunday - "Old Farts Rule" :lol:

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 12:46 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Sorted! :)


Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 1:30 pm
by NickB

Brampton Woods - location map. Car Park is the "P" in the SE corner of the wood.

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:35 pm
by NickB
Further to my last post, I received this email from Roger Orbell, one of the local BC volunteers who helps manage Brampton for BH:

Hi Nick
Just seen your thread on uk butterflies re Black Hairstreaks, I have already offered to show any members of C & E BC and HUMBG the sites in Brampton where they should get the best views (photos) no guarantees.the plan is to meet in carpark 10 am on Sat 12 & Sun 13 which should be at the start of the flight period as the first record has been on the 10th for the past 3 years in Brampton. There are 5 sites in the wood that are monitored every year plus a few other places where they can be found but the best places to see them low down are the 2 sites we saw them at last year and at the area near keepers lodge.
You are all welcome to meet up that weekend. I will try to get the key to the gate from George so we can park in the wood away from the car park when i get back from hunting C S in Scotland next week.Hope to see you soon.
Roger Orbell

So, no worries for finding them. Thanks Roger!

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:42 pm
by Charles Nicol
NickB wrote:Further to my last post, I received this email from Roger Orbell, one of the local BC volunteers who helps manage Brampton for BH:

I will try to get the key to the gate from George so we can park in the wood away from the car park
Roger Orbell

So, no worries for finding them. Thanks Roger!
Well done Roger !! It would be nice to find my car in one piece when I return :D :D

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:17 am
by NickB
The weather is of course a clincher for the success of any field trip....
so the BBC long-range forecast has been improving for the weekend ahead.... ... &region=uk
I will email Roger Orbell and see what is what....

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:55 pm
by NickB
Further to last post - Roger reports that BH already seen nearby in Monks Wood this week, so the weekend is looking good..

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:26 pm
by Trev Sawyer
Hi Nick,
I saw that Black Hairstreaks were reported yesterday at Monk's Wood, so we may be lucky at Brampton at the weekend. I will be there by 10am. Weather is improving and the wind should calm down a bit by then, so fingers crossed.


Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:37 pm
by NickB ... pb_09Jun10

Yep - I heard that too today - see link. I also share your optimism that the weather and wind will be kind too, as it does seem to be gradually brightening up and the BBC weather forecasts do seem to indicate that, so fingers (... and everything else) crossed...
I'll see you there!

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:32 pm
by Ian Pratt
I am staying near St Neots overnight tonight on the way to Norfolk so will try to be there at 10.00 tomorrow. :)

Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:41 pm
by Trev Sawyer
It would be good to meet you Ian - hope you can make it.


Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:47 pm
by Charles Nicol
i'll definitely be there... NickB is giving me a lift :D :D


Re: Black Hairstreak - Brampton Woods?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:55 pm
by Jack Harrison
Not quite sure Nick where the alternative car park is, if indeed we can use that one. And exactly where in the woods you suggest we meet?
