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Santorini report, pt 2 - non Lepidoptera.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:40 am
by 55bloke
There was quite a lot of other interesting "bugs" to photograph on the island. We'd been told that, as it's a small, volcanic island, there's no fresh water, so were disappointed to find it still had the usual Mosquito population, and I was very surprised to see this dragonfly cruising around the appartment's pool!
and also, this Oriental Hornet called in for a drink.
One of the nicest things about holidaying in the Med is the constant chorus of Cicadas... but not on Santorini. Never heard one! Did hear a few crickets though, but saw only two, this glimpsed briefly one evening..
and this Bush Cricket nymph, which is also visible in one of the photos on my earlier thread.
Despite it being mid May, the island had already been a month without rain, and was very parched.. this is the kind of terrain that was evident where there was no agriculture, and where most of the photographs were taken
Everywhere was littered with spent shotgun cartridges, which may explain the lack of birds! Nothing but a few Sparrows, some Swifts and Martins, Pigeons nesting on the cliffs, and some Crows. Though I did see a solitary Kestral. The lack of birds may possibly explain the MILLIONS of snails! They are everywhere
Just about every wall is covered like this. How they avoid boiling to death in the fierce heat is a mystery to me!
Beetles of all shapes and sizes were much in evidence.. this one was marching across our patio one morning
This one looks like the same species, but I'm no expert!
Then there were the ones which seemed to be addicted to pollen..
Whilst photographing the Clouded Yellows, I was attracted by a constant, steady, high-pitched hum, like an amplified Mosquito, which turned out to be a Bee Fly
There was also the constant, steady hum of Honey Bees, but more interesting were these, which look like a Wasp of some sort, but which I think are Bees.
And that's all folks, hope it's of interest.