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M42 thread macro lenses

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:17 pm
by Andrew Cunningham

I am now starting to dabble in the world of M42 thread lenses using an adaptor to fit them on to my Canon 40D camera.

This offers an exciting potential of cheap lenses. After all quality glass is quality glass and if they work on a 40D then that's suits me fine.

What I want to ask is if anyone has any experience in this area and are there any 'classic' M42 thread macro lenses people are using on Canon EOS bodies to get extreme close ups of insects, etc?


Re: M42 thread macro lenses

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:18 am
by Markulous
Coming to this a little late but I've used M42 lenses a fair bit, mainly a fisheye, and have had some great results

Haven't tried macro at all and reckon you'd probably be best off either using a good prime with tubes or else a couple of good primes with one reversed. Nowadays I've "progressed" (many might say regressed!) to Sigma 105 and 150 and an MP-e 65mm with EM-140 macro flash, so space in the camera bag gets a bit tight!

Re: M42 thread macro lenses

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:03 am
by Chris Pickford
I have an old Tamron SP90 Adaptall manual macro lens that I bought (for Pentax bayonet) but I have used it with an M42 adapter as well onm an M42 body. It is an excellent macro lens, prized by many (see last week's Amateur Photographer for example, which rates it highly as a second hand lens). It is well known for high contrast and saturation, and works pretty well wide open (f2.5) unlike many macro lenses which peak at f8 and fall off sharply on either side.

I have tried it on a modern DSLR as well with a Nikon Adaptall fitting, and I can't really see any difference between the lens and the modern version of it which I have - the main difference appears to be that the older lens is very well built, whereas the modern one is a bit plasticky.


Re: M42 thread macro lenses

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:03 pm
by Andrew Cunningham
Thanks for the replies so far.

My experiences are a bit mixed up to now. I have tried a Helios 44M 58mm f2 lens and the quality of my piece is not so good. Close ups of daisies did not come out sharp. I have a reverser coming in the post so I shall try that method out and see how good it is used that way.

I have also tried a Pentacon 50mm f1.8 today and have yet to look at the images taken. I have a Pentacon 29mm (not so well conditioned) and a Jenazoom lens to have a play with next.

When I have got to grips with this malarky I shall post some images if I get any of note. One thing I can say is that it is not easy as using a modern lenses like the Sigma 105mm and I envisage me giving it all up unless I find a keeper for using reversed which is my main aim of all this.

Each lens was no more than a fiver so it is an inexpensive experiment especially if I can flog them on eBay later.

If I find a nice cheap fisheye as mentioned above that would be swell. I keep an eye out for camera fairs in the southwest now!!!
