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7D or 50D thats is the question

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:07 pm
by sandraandkevin
We own a Canon 30D and 40D and are looking to replace the 30D for something with better specs and naturally thought that we would choose the 50D. However after reading some reviews and looking at the mega pixels and speed of the 7D, it does seem to be a far better camera than the 50D. I have read lots of reviews and the opinions on various forums and opinion does seem to be divided on the 7D.

Does anyone use either model and if so your opinion would be very appreciated. It will be used for all types of Wildlife photography including Birds, Mammals, Butterflies and Dragonflies.

Thanks for your assistance.


Re: 7D or 50D thats is the question

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:39 am
by Gruditch
Hi Kevin, I have a 7D, and Lisa still has my old 50D........and her own 7D. The 7D is far more expensive than the 50D, so you should rightly expect it to be a better camera, which it is. The frame speed, and much improved auto focus makes it far better for wildlife shooting. The 50D is a great camera, it takes a bit of getting used to, but will easily out preform your 30D. But if you have the dosh, then its a no brainer, 7D every time.

Kind Regards Gruditch

Re: 7D or 50D thats is the question

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:07 pm
by ColinC
Hi Kevin.

I have a 50D which I purchased about 10 months before the 7D release. If the 7D was available then I would have purchased it in preference to the 50D - it's a much more rounded camera for the wildlife enthusiast. Two features that stand out to me are the multi point/group focusing system for bif and the ability to use it as a master to fire wireless flashes saving £200 on a remote trigger or the need to buy the 580 flash. The MP difference is only important if you are a Pro and need 50MB tiff files out of the box without any cropping. It's up to you to determine how much you will use features like this as to whether its worth the extra £400.


Re: 7D or 50D thats is the question

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:22 pm
by sandraandkevin
Thank you Gary & Colin, helpful as always,

I think you have confirmed what I was thinking but it is always nice to get the opinions of people who actually use the cameras to take Butterfly and Wildlife shots.

Thanks again
