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Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:43 pm
by Elaine
Hi All,

Feeling slightly dispondent regarding butterflies and moths. The weather here in Southern Brittany continues to be too cold, wet and windy to hope for any action. Yesterday, I saw 2 Brimstone (Citron) and one Peacock (Paon du jour) out braving the elements in the rare bouts of sunlight. :roll:
I have yet to bother to set up my moth trap - getting up at the crack of dawn for one or two moths is not my idea of fun! :oops:
The forecast is for temperatures up to 18° next week.

On the bird front things are also slow compared to other years. However, I heard my first Cuckoo (Coucou gris) calling yesterday morning.

Swallows (Hirondelle rustique), first sighted on 18th March, are becoming more numerous (one twittering happily on our telephone wire on Friday).
Sand Martins (Hirondelle de rivage) - my first sightings 1st April were of flocks into the hundreds over the marshes at the estuary of the river Vilaine.
Bluethroat (Gorgebleue à mirroir) - first of the year on the same day at the same location, a singing male.
Sedge Warblers (Phragmite des joncs) - singing in the same location and first heard there on 18th March.
Fan-tailed Warblers (Cisticole des joncs) - are singing again, as are Cettis (Bouscarle de Cetti), Chiffchaffs (Pouillot véloce), Woodlark (Allouette lulu) ....
Black Kites (Milan noir) - back from their wintering quarters and seen daily low over our garden as we train on our agility course.
Linnet (Linotte mélodieuse) - a male singing his heart out 4th April on our telepone wire.
Great White Egret (Grande Aigrette) - One at least over-wintered here, hanging around two lakes within a kilometre of us. 4th April I saw one circle and land at the nearest of these lakes as I walked my dogs. I spotted another 2 as we drove along a dual carriage way just over the border into the Loire Atlantique last week.
Black-winged Stilts (Echasse blanche) - are back in the area.
White Stork (Cigogne blanche) - also back and settling in their nests near St. Nazaire.
Osprey (Balbuzard pêcheur) - reported at the Nature Reserve this side of Vannes just last week (second this year)

I am still waiting for our Hoopoes (Huppe fasciée) - late this year. But then, what I don't see today is something to look forward to tomorrow. :wink: