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Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:52 pm
by bogtrotter
hello all.i am new on this site and i'm pleased to meet you all.i would like to know if any members have an allotment and if so,have they seen any species this year? as for me i have not seen any species this year.its been a difficult year so far no matter where you are.i have tried to create as far as possible a wide variety of habitat for butterflies.grasses,wild flowers,vegetables and hardy and half-hardy annuals.
i would be most grateful if any members would like to share their sightings and views on the above subject. regards to all.bogtrotter.

warm weather.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:33 pm
by bogtrotter
well the weekend was the warmest so far this year in the leeds area.i went for a walk round eccup and harewood.a nice sunny stayed with us right throught the day-temps touched the 58-60 mark.with plenty of chiffchaffs and red kites to keep us company on this far this year it has been very poor for any butterflies,up here the first "red admiral" came fluttering by and then a "small tortoiseshell".cotinuing round eccup a "comma" basked in the warm sun.two more "red admirals" on the harewood estate and then six "peacock" were seen.although not many species were observed it made a change to see any butterflies.
on the allotment "peacock " "red admiral" "painted lady" "small tortoiseshell" have been whites as yet on my brassicas-please stay away!!!!! all these observations were from the weekend 10/11th april 2010.regards to all.mick...

Re: warm weather.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:13 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi bogtrotter - if these entries are your personal diary, you need to create a topic called "bogtrotter" and post entries in there :)


- Pete