Butterfly Conservation 6th International Symposium

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Butterfly Conservation 6th International Symposium

Post by Lynn »

The 2010 Target and beyond for Lepidoptera
University of Reading 26th -28th March 2010.

I have just got some brief and personal recollections from this fantastic event. I hope othere who were present will add in their comments too.

Inspiration a-plenty was provided by the opening remarks of our President Sir David Attenborough, who acknowledged that those present had been drawn to lepidoptera by their love of these creatures. It was a very perceptive comment and drew smiles around the lecture theatre. He extolled the beauty of butterflies, calling them 'flying visions of summer'. But he saw that our interest as having a very serious side. He paid tribute to the knowledge of lepidoptera of those present, suggesting that because we knew how to conserve butterflies, we knew how to conserve landscapes and the environment. "Never in the world has there been a greater need than now for people like you".

So as you go about enjoying butterflies and endeavouring to save and promote them think of Sir David's words and remember that our love of butterflies and moths is very special.

The focus of many, many lectures was how butterflies have been faring all around the world. In many cases the answer was not good but there were many examples of successes at site and species level and delegates left with an overwhelming determination to see the world becoming a better place for butterflies.

Martin Warren in his closing address at the Symposium set out the ten challenges for the next decade. One of these was encouraging the general public to be more interested in wildlife which would hopefully have the outcome of helping to meet another challenge - that of getting politician to address the problem of diminishing biodiversity AND do something about it.

So I have given myself the personal target to do more to bring the joys of nature to more people. Please, when you read about wildlife in decline, particularly butterflies and moths, and feel powerless to do anything about it, think about what you can do. Two things when you are out and about and seeing something nice point it out to other people - share your love of nature with others in any way that you can.

And the second, with the General Election coming up there will be a good opportunity to encourage candidates to sign the wildlife pledge.
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Pete Eeles
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Re: Butterfly Conservation 6th International Symposium

Post by Pete Eeles »

The wildlife pledge can be found at:


[EDIT: Press release now a main item on the home page at http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/index.php and the full release at http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/reports_ ... pledge.php

- Pete
Life Cycles of British & Irish Butterflies: http://www.butterflylifecycles.com
British & Irish Butterflies Rarities: http://www.butterflyrarities.com
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