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Gardening for Butterflies, Bees and other beneficial insects

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:34 am
by Lynn
Gardening for Butterflies, Bees and other beneficial insects
A how to guide
Jan Miller-Klein

Jan is well know to those of us who encounter members from other branches of Butterfly Conservation and she is well known as a person who undertakes habitat creation in gardens and parks very much at a practical level. Personally I do feel disappointed with some of the "Gardening for Butterfly" books that I read but I am expecting Jan's book to be very inspiring. It will include plans for borders, patio pots and even green roofs, together with information on individual species of butterflies, bees and ladybirds. A super book for 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. Advance copies can be ordered until 30th May at a saving of £2. If you are tempted to get one now rather than wait for my review then send a cheque for £19.45 payable to Butterfly Reserve to Saith Ffynnon Wildlife Plants, Whitford, Holywell. CH8 9EQ. Or order online at


Re: Gardening for Butterflies, Bees and other beneficial ins

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:20 pm
by Lynn
I have had Jan's book for a few weeks now and it is great. Here is a copy of the review I have written..

Is there room on your book shelf for just one more book on gardening for the creatures we love? I hope so! Jan Miller is an exceedingly active volunteer with Butterfly Conservation in North Wales and a very knowledgeable horticulturalist. This book combines her interests & skills to give newcomers to gardening for butterflies etc an excellent manual. Pleasingly it does offer new ideas to old hands at butterfly gardening too, especially suggestions for moraine gardens and butterfly banks.

Moths are not forgotten either with numerous references made to plants & features to help them and their caterpillars.. It is lavishly illustrated & a joy to read.

Has anyone else got & read a copy yet? It is a good book to get us through a long winter!