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Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:02 pm
by traplican
This is my personal diary. I haven´t a personal blog yet so I shall only list the species registered last year:
- Aglais urticae - Small Tortoiseshell
- Anthocharis cardamines - Orange tip
- Apatura ilia - Lesser Purple Emperor
- Apatura iris - Purple Emperor
- Aphantopus hyperantus - Ringlet
- Araschnia levana - Map Butterfly
- Argynnis adippe - High Brown Fritillary
- Argynnis aglaja - Dark Green Fritillary
- Argynnis paphia - Silver Washed Fritillary
- Aricia agestis - Brown Argus
- Aricia eumedon - Geranium Argus
- Boloria (Clossiana) dia - Violet (Weaver's) Fritillary
- Boloria (Clossiana) euphrosyne - Pearl Bordered Fritillary
- Boloria (Clossiana) selene - Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
- Brenthis ino - Lesser Marbled Fritillary
- Brintesia (Kanetisa) circe - Great Banded Grayling
- Callophrys rubi - Green Hairstreak
- Carterocephalus palaemon - Chequered Skipper
- Celastrina argiolus - Holly Blue
- Coenonympha arcania - Pearly Heath
- Coenonympha glycerion - Chestnut Heath
- Coenonympha pamphilus - Small Heath
- Colias alfacariensis - Berger's Clouded Yellow
- Colias crocea - Clouded Yellow
- Colias hyale - Pale Clouded Yellow
- Cupido (Everes) argiades - Short Tailed Blue
- Cupido (Everes) decoloratus - Eastern Short Tailed Blue
- Cupido minimus - Small (Little) Blue
- Cyaniris semiargus - Mazarine Blue
- Erebia euryale - Large Ringlet (the Pieniny Mountains, Slovakia)
- Erebia medusa - Woodland Ringlet
- Erynnis tages - Dingy Skipper
- Gonepteryx rhamni - Brimstone
- Hesperia comma - Silver Spotted Skipper
- Inachis io - Peacock
- Iphiclides podalirius - Scarce Swallowtail
- Issoria lathonia - Queen of Spain Fritillary
- Lasiommata maera - Large Wall Brown
- Lasiommata megera - Wall Brown
- Leptidea sinapis or reali - Wood White or Réal's Wood White
- Lycaena dispar - Large Copper
- Lycaena hippothoe - Purple Edged Copper
- Lycaena phlaeas - Small Copper
- Lycaena tityrus - Sooty Copper
- Maculinea nausithous - Dusky Large Blue
- Maculinea teleius - Scarce Large Blue
- Maniola jurtina - Meadow Brown
- Melanargia galathea - Marbled White
- Melitaea cinxia - Glanville Fritillary
- Mellicta athalia - Heath Fritillary
- Mellicta aurelia - Nickerl's Fritillary
- Minois dryas - Dryad
- Neozephyrus (Qurcusia) quercus - Purple Hairstreak
- Nymphalis antiopa - Camberwell Beauty
- Nymphalis polychloros - Large Tortoiseshell
- Ochlodes sylvanus - Large Skipper
- Papilio machaon - Swallowtail
- Pararge aegeria - Speckled Wood
- Pieris brassicae - Large White
- Pieris (Artogeia) napi - Green Veined White
- Pieris (Artogeia) rapae - Small White
- Plebejus argus - Silver Studded Blue
- Plebejus argyrognomon - Reverdin's Blue
- Polygonia c-album - Comma
- Polyommatus (Lysandra) bellargus - Adonis Blue
- Polyommatus (Lysandra) coridon - Chalk Hill Blue
- Polyommatus icarus - Common Blue
- Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) thersites - Chapman's Blue
- Pontia edusa - Eastern Bath White
- Pyrgus alveus - Large Grizzled Skipper
- Pyrgus malvae - Grizzled Skipper
- Satyrium acaciae - Sloe Hairstreak
- Satyrium pruni - Black Hairstreak
- Satyrium w-album - White Letter Hairstreak
- Thecla betulae - Brown Hairstreak
- Thymelicus lineola - Essex Skipper
- Thymelicus sylvestris - Small Skipper
- Vanessa atalanta - Red Admiral
- Vanessa cardui - Painted Lady
- Zerynthia polyxena - Southern Festoon (larvae)
i.e. 80 species of butterflies

I have noted these moths:
- Acronicta auricoma - Scarce Dagger (larva)
- Acronicta rumicis - Knot Grass (larva)
- Adscita statices - Forester
- Amata phegea - Nine-spotted moth
- Angerona prunaria - Orange Moth
- Autographa gamma - Silver Y
- Bembecia ichneumoniformis - Six-belted Clearwing
- Callimorpha dominula - Scarlet tiger moth
- Catocala elocata - French Red Underwing
- Emmelia trabealis - Spotted Sulphur
- Euclidia glyphica - Burnet Companion
- Euplagia quadripunctata - Jersey Tiger Moth
- Euplocamus anthracinalis
- Euthrix potatoria - Drinker
- Chiasmia clathrata - Latticed Heath
- Jordanita sp.
- Lymantria dispar - Gypsy Moth
- Macroglossum stellatarum - Hummingbird Hawk-moth
- Malacosoma neustria - Lackey (larva)
- Pyrausta purpuralis
- Zygaena angelicae
- Zygaena brizae
- Zygaena carniolica
- Zygaena ephialtes
- Zygaena filipendulae - Six-spot Burnet
- Zygaena loti - Slender Scotch Burnet
- Zygaena minos
- Zygaena viciae

Most of thesee insects were taken near me (to 7 km), excl. the Large Ringlet (the Pieniny Mountains, Slovakia), Large Wall Brown and Dryad (both near Bzenec, about 28 km far).

Re: traplican

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:04 am
by traplican
This week a number of flighting Greylag Goose wedges and a moment ago a wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) in my garden and the Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) behind - real angels of spring!

My first this-year butterfly! Small Tortoiseshell, taken in my garden: ... 318002.jpg
... and the second one, taken in the nature, Comma: ... 318006.jpg

Re: traplican

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:20 pm
by traplican
Today (20, Sat.Mar.2010) I saw a Comma (but not succeed in snapping) and a Peacock.

First it look like a sunny day but in the early afternoon cloud came in over.

Wild boars (Sus scrofa) probably engraved the voles on this meadow.

Re: traplican

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:39 am
by traplican
March 23rd 2010
I just have taken to the photo a female of the Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) in my garden

... and a Peacock sitting on the pavement in front of the bus stop near our house.

Re: traplican

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:48 pm
by traplican
March 24, 2010 - Today I have snapped to photos:

- Comma and the second one
- Peacock
- Small Tortoiseshell
... in the nature. There are few nectar sources yet but I found some white violets (Viola alba) thriving.

I have overtaken more oil beetles Meloe decorus in my garden.

I expect whether worsering at weekend and staying adverse to the end of the first April decade -

Re: traplican

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:06 pm
by traplican
March 25th 2010

Today no butterflies yet. The wheather is cloudy and windy here. Having walked through my garden, I saw two sand lizards so I have returned for the camera and snapped one of them (Lacerta agilis male var. erythronota) to the photo.

Then I saw an oil beetle Meloe decorus and recorded it eating the grass to the video:[/video]

Re: traplican

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:53 pm
by traplican
March 26 2010

Having taken a time-out in my work and walked with camera across my garden I saw a peacock
and recorded it to the video:

I saw and shot to photos oil beetles Meloe decorus: photo1, photo2, photo3
and two Sand Lizard males (Lacerta agilis) - normal var. agilis - photo4, photo5
and the aberation erythronota: photo6, photo7.

Another three oil beetles were recorded to the video below:
One female was getting burrow into the loam digged by the water vole (Arvicola terrestris) out and at 1:21 another female buried into another water vole's dollop is pushed by a male.

I saw and shot also a male of siskin.

Re: traplican

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:32 am
by traplican
March 27 2010
Today I have found a load of the oil beetle Meloe decorus in my garden: photo1, photo2 and an imago (probably male).

Re: traplican

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:07 pm
by traplican
March 28th 2010

Today unsettled weather with a sprinkle. I have noted and shotted White-lipped Grove Snails in my garden (and the 2nd photo).

Re: traplican

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:27 pm
by traplican
March 29th - Sand Lizards in my garden: Female photo1, photo2 and male photo3, photo4.

March 30: A Peacock in my garden, Peacocks and a Comma on the forest ridge road but I haven´t succeed in shotting them. So I have taken to some photos White Violets - Viola alba and I'm going to offer them for Biolib (there is only one picture of this species there): V. alba1, V. alba2, V. alba3, V. alba4.

On another place (the forest road running by the valley) a Brimstone and bumble bees, in all probability White-tailed Bumble Bee - Bombus lucorum.

Loads of frog (Rana sp.) loads in the pools.

Lots of oil beetles on the forest road margin, above all the Black Oil Beetle - Meloe proscarabeus: photo5, photo6, photo7, photo8, photo9, photo10, photo11, photo12, photo13[/video]

... and some another species of the oil beetle: photo14, photo15.

I have found and shot some caterpillars, most probably Hyphoraia aulica :

Image Image Image

I'm just waiting for confirmation of my determination.

A Common European Toad found in the treated well. Perhaps it may be a trap and this animal can´t get out so I took it and released to the nearby stream.

Re: traplican

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:31 am
by traplican
I just have obtained the message from the Czech Enthomological Institute that the second (black) caterpillar is most probably the Wood Tiger - Parasemia plantaginis and the first one (with the rusty trichomes) is most probably Hyphoraia aulica. But determination is only approximate because too few differentiation marks are perceptible.

Today was a sunny day so I have do a trip and saw: Lots of Peacocks, Commas, one Large Tortoiseshell:
Image Image
- lots of photos, one Brimstone:

... and then I visited the same place where I had found the tiger caterpillars yesterday. I have found about 8 cats - most probably Hyphoraia aulica, taken lots of photos of them:
Image Image Image

(all photos are here) and some videos:[/video]

March 2nd early morning: I just have obtained a message from the Enthomological Institute: It is really Hyphoraia aulica!
(Sent 1:40 am, he works overnight, too!)

Re: traplican

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:48 pm
by traplican
March 3rd 2010 - Sunny day, morning frost.

I have some next photos of Hyphoraia aulica larvae and some videos - among other I have recorded them breakfasting grass.

Butterflies: A count of Peacocks, Commas and Brimstones, 2 x Large Tortoiseshell and one Camberwell Beauty (sitting on the bar gate).

Here is the galery from this day and below are the videos.

Hyphoraia aulica:[/video]

Wood Tiger - Parasemia plantaginis:[/video]

On the sunny earthen forest road found tiger beetle - Cicindela sp., most probably Cicindela sylvicola, at the stream Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea.

I found a beer botle in the wood with lots of dead beetles, probably Anoplotrupes stercorosus. One of them is shown on the Picture 1 and Picture 2. The bottle was filled to 1/3 of its capacity by these beetles. It is low-bred and barbarity to leave the garbage in the wood.

Re: traplican

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:02 am
by traplican
Yesterday was a sunny day and I had a trip to the Kněžpole forest. But I saw only a few of Peacocks so I have snapped a solitary bee Andrena fulva.

Today is raining the whole day and earthworms are mating in my garden.

Re: traplican

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:47 pm
by traplican
Today a.m. cloudy, p.m. - clearing up but cold. I saw only one flying butterfly this afternoon, it was a Comma. But I have found a larva of Lycaena sp. and after its foodplant (wide-leaved dock: Bloody Dock - Rumex sanguineus?) it was Large Copper - Lycaena dispar.

Here are photos of the larva:
Image Image
here is its foodplant and here is the place of the find.

I have found some noctuid larva in my garden (in the Stinging Nettles), it would be most probably some common species (Setaceous Hebrew Character - Xestia c-nigrum).

The first two Roman Snails appeared in my garden today.

Re: traplican

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:18 pm
by traplican
Today was a sunny and relatively warm day. I have snapped:
- Commas I saw lots of
- Peacocks I saw lots of
- a worn Camberwell Beauty
- and first this-year Wood White or Réal's Wood White - Leptidea sinapis or reali:
Image Image

I have snapped also some Geometrid caterpillar (most probably Blood-vein - Timandra comae)
and a noctuid caterpillar breakfasting Bloody Dock in my garden (most probably Deep-brown Dart - Aporophyla lutulenta).

I saw a Brimstone, too, but not succeed in snapping one.

I have also taken to the photos a groop of mushrooms Discina sp., most probably Discina ancilis. It is edible and dainty but I haven't taken it because there was too few of them (photo1, photo2, photo3).

Re: traplican

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:39 pm
by traplican
Sunny (partly cloudy) and warm day - temperature attacked 19 °C. I have seen a Green Tiger Beetle and these butterflies :
- Peacocks - lots of
- Brimstones - lots of
- Wood White or Réal's Wood White - about 5 or 6
- Camberwell Beauty - maybe 4 but maybe only 2 and one of them followed me up; I have snapped her on her favourite post - gate bar at the entry to the forest.
- Large Tortoiseshell - 2 or 3, one of them at the margin of the willage (she hid in a wood heap and I was afraid that its owner would marvel why I inspect and take to photo his wood heap - through with that I pry with the camera in their orchards)
- Orange tip male - but he declined to pose for me :evil: - it is difficult to follow a butterfly through the wood with rich brake in the prone terrain.

Complete galery from this day is here.

I have recorded one of the Brimstones to the video:[/video]

Re: traplican

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:51 am
by traplican
Today two Map Butterflies - Araschnia levana L. appeared in my garden. One of them taken to the photos:
Image Image

and recorded to the video:[/video]

Furthermore I caught sight of one or two Peacocks but I have been too busy by Map Butterflies.

Wheather gets worse so I shall probably break off for any time.

Re: traplican

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:35 am
by traplican
I just have obtained an e-mail that I had inadvertently discovered new botanical locality.

On March 24th I have taken white violets to the photos for my personal diary as the nectar sources for the butterflies on one of my first field trips. Then I tried to determine them and came to decision that it might be Viola alba. There was only one photo of this subspecies on so I have done next photos and offered them to Biolib. Nothing happened for any time and my photos remained among the images waiting for confirmation.

Then I obtained an e-mail that the violets on my photos look really like Viola alba and the only problem is that it is known only from two localities in the Czech Republic and the Chřiby hills which I assign as the place of their find isn't among them - it might not affect there. I was asked for notification of which color was the calcar. So on the next trips I have taken these violets to the photos with especially focus to the calcar and created special galery for them.

And now I obtained an e-mail that it is really Viola alba which has been consulted with J. Danihelka, Masaryk University, Brno and T. Marcussen, University of Oslo.

Viola alba has conservation status "critically endangered", subcategory C1 in the Czech Republic.

Re: traplican

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:31 pm
by traplican
After a week of almost continuous rain today the sun had appeared and I saw a butterfly in our garden: Map Butterfly - Araschnia levana. But I haven't succeed in snapping one.

I have count the Roman Snails in our garden (I have found 47 of them), snapped a female of Sand lizard, a Field Cricket and a rove beetle:


(looks like Paederus schoenherri)

My wife found a pupa and I have offered it for identification in the section Overseas. Peter Eeles and Guy Padfield have determined it as Scarce Swallowtail - Iphiclides podalirius.

Re: traplican

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:42 pm
by traplican
Yesterday was sunny but relative cold and only few hardiest butterflies were flying. I have a trip to the top end of Jankovice and saw butterflies:
- Orange tip male (but not succeed in snapping)
- Peacocks
- many Brimstones
- 3 x Camberwell Beauty
- many Commas
- some larvae of Hyphoraia aulica
- a larva of Scarlet Tiger - Callimorpha dominula on the log
- Wood White or Réal's Wood White
- Map Butterfly - Araschnia levana
- and one geometrid: Balsam Carpet - Xanthorhoe biriviata

I have also snapped some Hymenoptera, among other a giant spider-hunting wasp - Priocnemis perturbator? - I have recorded it to the video and posted to Youtube:[/video]

further some wood rove beetle and a spider.

Today I had a trip to Košíky and have saw:
- lots of Wood White or Réal's Wood White
- first this year Lycaenid - Short-tailed Blue - Everes argiades, male.

Here is video of the Wood White or Réal's Wood White:[/video]