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The Best Butterfly Book Ever?

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:18 am
by David Tipping
This has to be my favourite butterfly book of all time, simply because it's the one that first fired my enthusiasm for the subject when I was still in short trousers, circa mid-1960s.
It's a set of 50 cards, beautifully painted by Richard Ward, that were given away in packets of Brooke Bond PG Tips. It's a very evocative little book that you can pick up for a pittance at if you are interested. Image

First Book

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:18 am
Know what you mean there David. Mine was "The Observer's Book of Butterflies" by WJ Stokoe which I still have amongst the many other books on the subject.

Like many others my favourite childhood hobby came back after reading the internet reports every day of my local Butterfly Conservation website and of course the advent of the digital camera to capture those daily memories for myself.

Only thing that bothers me is will the younger generation take on the mantle when there are so many options to do other things?
When I told the young Lady in the shop yesterday I had been filming butterflies in the morning she replied "What do yo want to do that for then"? My point made!!!



Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:56 pm
by Pete Eeles
That's a good question, and a hard one to answer! But without doubt my favourite book on UK butterflies is Thomas and Lewington's "Butterflies of Britain and Ireland" which, unfortunately, is now out of print.


I've recently got very interested in older books as well - E.B.Ford, Richard South, Frohawk etc. Absolutely marvellous texts!

I'd love to get hold of the 2 volume set of Frohawk's "Natural History of British Butterflies". But these are pretty hard to get hold of and expensive! But if anyone out there has a copy they want to sell, then I'd be very interested!


- Pete

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:54 pm
by David Tipping
You probably know this already, but I've just checked on Abebooks and there are several copies of Frohawk's books available. As you say, they're expensive! Depends how much they are worth to you, I suppose.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:24 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks for that Dave. I've seen more-expensive copies!

For everyone else - website at


- Pete