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Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:35 pm
by Pete Eeles
Several people have sent me messages recently - sending their congratulations on UKB's birthday! I wasn't quite sure what was going on, but have now figured it out - although the website was started in 2002 (if memory serves), the forum took a few more years to get up and running and, looking back, my very first post was at:

Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:10 pm

So - today is the forum's 4th anniversary! Thanks to all contributors for making this the most lively and relevant forum for British butterflies on the planet! Here's to 4 more years!


- Pete

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:05 pm
by Dave McCormick
Wow, that long? Although I don't know how this site looked in beginning, It has gone through many changes (mostly good) it always continues to get better and better. Well happy birthday UKB! Lets keep the good work on here coming :) Congrats Pete on one of the best butterfly sites on the web, expecially the best on butterflies of UK.

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:12 pm
by Rogerdodge
I seem to have joined 2 weeks after your first post.
I must say you have created something rather remarkable here.
Not only is this site the most comprehensive and accessible resource for enthusiasts of British Butterflies, but you have also created a lovely little community.
I know that many friendships have been formed through this website, and I, for one, have made some really close friendships with assorted members over the years.
So - yes, It is Happy Birthday to the site - but more importantly a huge thank you to you, Pete, for all your hard work, and aso to the people beavering away behind the scenes - Gary, Lisa, Guy and Piers (Have I missed anyone?).

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:56 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks all - much appreciated!

Roger - I don't even know how I'd start "naming names" since there are so many contributors that go beyond simple membership! In which case, you forgot to add yourself to the list :)


- Pete

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:16 pm
by Susie
Happy birthday to UK Butts and well done Pete and team for creating and running such a special resource and happy birthday to me too for doing bugger all but just cos it is my birthday :)

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:04 pm
by Padfield
Happy birthday all!!

I just made a daft post because I couldn't read the date properly, and I've deleted it. It's late. Sorry!! :oops:


Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:12 pm
by Pete Eeles
Susie wrote:Happy birthday to UK Butts and well done Pete and team for creating and running such a special resource and happy birthday to me too for doing bugger all but just cos it is my birthday :)
Happy Birthday Sooz!


- Pete

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:52 pm
by Dave McCormick
Susie wrote:Happy birthday to UK Butts and well done Pete and team for creating and running such a special resource and happy birthday to me too for doing bugger all but just cos it is my birthday :)
Well Happy B-day Suz! :)

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:09 pm
by Vince Massimo
A belated Happy Birthday to everybody. Is there any cake left? :(


Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:14 pm
by Charles Nicol
Happy Birthday to UKbutterflies... Here is a lovely cake !!
( thanks to Pete for the original pic )


:D :D

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:52 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Happy Birthday indeed to all involved in maintaining the site and making it the wonderful resource it is. Keep up the good work!

Also, many thanks for everyone's help since I joined in May! :D It really is a great community.



Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:10 pm
by Pete Eeles
Charles Nicol wrote:Happy Birthday to UKbutterflies... Here is a lovely cake !!


:D :D
Very creative :lol:


- Pete

Re: Happy Birthday to Us!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:47 am
by Zonda
Happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, haaaaaaaaaaa, pee anniversary.
Happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, haaaaaaaaaaa, pee anniversary.
Happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, haaaaaaaaaaa, pee anniversary.
Happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, haaaaaaaaaaa, pee anniversary.
Happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, happy anniversary,, haaaaaaaaaaa, pee anniversary. :lol: