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Aegean Meadow Brown?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:39 pm
by mattberry

Could anyone give a positive ID on these please? Taken in Rhodes, Greece.

Thanks in advance!


Re: Aegean Meadow Brown?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:54 am
by Mikhail
Yes, definitely Aegean Meadow Brown Maniola telmessia, the only member of the genus on Rhodes. Nice shot.


Re: Aegean Meadow Brown?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:20 pm
by mattberry
Thanks for the confirmation Misha, much appreciated.

Do you have much experience of Butterflies on Rhodes?


Re: Aegean Meadow Brown?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:43 am
by Mikhail
Hi Matt.
I've only been there once. When I was in the RAF I used to get to Cyprus occasionally, where I saw the very closely related Cyprus Meadow Brown Maniola cypricola, a real beauty. I take it from your username that you have a special interest in Rhodes? It's certain;y a fascinating island for the naturalist.


Re: Aegean Meadow Brown?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:01 pm
by mattberry
Hi again MIsha,

Yes Rhodes is a nice island, though I have yet to explore it in a great deal of depth for wildlife.

I do have a special interest as my girlfriend is Greek and her family are from Rhodes, so I go there quite often.

All the best,