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Another caterpillar ID

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:13 pm
by Pauline
Can anyone please have a stab at what this might be from a second hand description and no photo? I have trawled other sites without success. The cat was found recently on a plum tree, a citrus green colour mainly smooth with a few bumps on the body and a red spike protruding from the rear end. Now seems to be pupating with a white web around it. Sorry I have no other details and I realise that this must be a challenge but any ideas appreciated.

Re: Another caterpillar ID

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:22 pm
by Denise
Hi Pauline,

If it has a spike at the rear end, my conclusion would be a Hawk-moth. Plain green could be either Poplar or Eyed Hawk-moth. Not so sure about the pupating in a tree though. It's a bit of a mystery that. :?


Re: Another caterpillar ID

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:26 pm
by Denise
Mind you saying that, I have raised a Poplar Hawk-moth from an egg this year, and that too at one point went to the corner of the tub and made a small web.
It moulted two days later. A couple of weeks after that it went under ground, so perhaps that is what's happening.


Re: Another caterpillar ID

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:51 pm
by Pauline
Hi Denise

sorry if I misled you. She actually has it in a container now but what should she do next? Does it need soil? I did actually catch a glimpse of it myself but can only remember the contrast of the red spike and the light green body. Also it had a few little bumps along its back. I have looked again at the caterpillar sites and I am sure you are right but I can't find anything like how I remember it. Suppose we'll have to hope it survives to see what it turns into. Thanks for your speedy reply.

Re: Another caterpillar ID

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:53 pm
by Mikhail
Hi Pauline.

Although not an exact match with your description, the nearest I can suggest is the Coxcomb Prominent. If it is, then it will want to pupate in the earth. See ... pillar.jpg.


Re: Another caterpillar ID

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:20 pm
by Denise
Hi Pauline,

If it were me, I would do nothing but wait and see what the cat does. It might well pupate where it is, but if it does get on the move again, I would offer it food and earth. Let us know what happens.


Re: Another caterpillar ID

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:32 am
by Pauline
Hi Misha

I am certain that it had only one very thin red spike on the rear end. I am now very intrigued and wish I had taken more notice. If it does re-emerge Denise I have told her to take a photo straight away! I will definitely let you know the outcome as you have both gone to some trouble to help with this one so many thanks to you both.