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Silver Spotted Skipper with a mushroom from it's eye

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:03 pm
by Danny
In this months BBC Wildlife mag there is a picture of a SSS with a mushroom growing from behind it's eye!! Literally a full on, capped toadstool albeit a very tiny one. Article says they are quite common, though I've never seen it before. I wondered if anybody else in here has taken pics of such a thing...sorry don't have the link for an on line pic. It's on Page 71 on the "Your Q&A" page. The answer says it's an entomogenous fungi and they attack a number of hosts and that this one is unidentifyable but has evolved to parasitise butterflies.


Re: Silver Spotted Skipper with a mushroom from it's eye

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:31 pm
by Zonda
Insects seem to be prone to fungal attack. Unlike us humans who only suffer a bit of athletes foot, ringworm, or thrush, the fungal attacks on insects can be very invasive, and ultimately fatal. One of the main culprits are the Cordyceps genus.