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Calstone Coombes

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:54 pm
by Simon C
I do not recall this North Wilts site getting a mention here before, but it deserves one.

[It is a bit out of the way - you can get buses from the mainline station at Chippenham to Calne and walk from there, but I prefer to get a taxi from the station (£15-20) to the area and walk onwards, normally ending up at Avebury where there are buses to Swindon railway station.]

The site is at SU042685, and comprises a number of small grassland valleys that are awash with flowers. I was there on Saturday, and within half an hour had counted 100 Adonis blues, exploring just a fraction of what is a large area of grassland. The site must easily support over a thousand individuals. Also seen were CB, SpW, SW, LW, GVW, WB, P, RA, T, ClY, SH, MB and SC in various numbers, and in the spring the site hosts part of the metapopulation of Marsh Fritillaries that extends between Morgan's Hill and Cherhill. Being a bit remote I didn't see anyone whilst I was there, and had it all to myself - brilliant! Now if someone would just turn off the wind :)

The National Trust do a leaflet on the site ... lstone.pdf.


The masts in the distance are the ones above Morgan's Hill, for those of you familiar with that site:

The view down another of the coombes.


Re: Calstone Coombes

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:56 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Simon - I'll add it to the site listing.


- Pete

Re: Calstone Coombes

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:01 pm
by Piers
This is an excellent area; certainly good for Adonis Blue as well as many other species (something like 25 breeding butterfly species), and best of all (for all you ornithopterists out there) this is Wart Biter country...


Re: Calstone Coombes

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:07 pm
by eccles
Xmilehigh and I visited today. It was a howling gale around the hillsides but we still saw lots of adonis blue. It must be a wonderful place when the weather is better. Also seen were common blue, wall, painted lady, red admiral, small heath, small tortoiseshell. We couldn't fathom the NT map with the actual topography, but Simon's grid reference put us in the right place, so many thanks Simon - that's three great locations you've given us this year.