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The Oak Fair

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:14 pm
by Zonda
Just returned from The Oak Fair at Stock Gaylard park in north Dorset. The Dorset group had a stand there, and i went on a short guided butterfly walk with a very informative member. The short walk was only about 100yds and circular, taking in a wood edge, and pond area. We were treated to a lovely view of a pristine Comma, and a Red admiral in similar condition. Some fresh looking speckled woods, and tatty looking Painted ladies.Two Whites were in evidence, and several moth species new to me that were migrants. (Mind you, most moths are new to me.) I purchased my first field guide from their display tent, and came home happy. Great Fair, i'd recommend it, wish i'd taken the camera, but there ya go. :D