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Final email from my butterfly weekend

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:21 pm
by Anthony
Hi All,

My final email for now. Here are the last four images from my bug-fest weekend (my children and I looked at all small things that moved). I don't know if we got lucky with the number of species we saw in a 3 hour ramble/picnic but we saw 13 species and have 4 unidentified ones that may bump the number up (is this common?).

The culprit of the first photo I suspect is a moth rather than a butterfly but any pointers would be useful.

I am a little concerned by the colour variation on the hindwing of the second as my books don't show it.

The third seems to have a white ground colour on the hindwings but my books have it as yellow.

Finally I hope that the last is a chalk-hill blue.

Anyway thanks in advance for the help.


Re: Final email from my butterfly weekend

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:28 pm
by Pete Eeles
The butterfly IDs look good to me - including the Chalkhill Blue.

I also agree that it's a washing line. Not sure what species the eggs belong to though :)


- Pete

Re: Final email from my butterfly weekend

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:51 pm
by Anthony
Thanks Pete,

Hooray - I am getting my eye in. How much longer will the butterfly season last for. In other words is it worth me looking to organise another trip while my children's enthusiasm is high? Also (off the top of your head) do you know of any good butterfly spots around Guildford I could go to?


Re: Final email from my butterfly weekend

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:54 pm
by Pete Eeles
I don't live in the area - but Oaken Wood is good!

I recommend you try the Google Earth rendering of the data:

The Google Earth style of rendering location information will replace the current maps at some point :)


- Pete