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ID help on Butterfly and Moth

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:00 pm
by Mandie
Hello everyone,

We have been steadily developing our garden over the past 3 years and beginning to see some butterflies. Yay! Can anyone help a butterfly newbie with some ids?

Think this is a Small White.

We thought this was a Yellow Shell Moth.

I thought Meadow Brown, Graham (my other half) reckons on a Grayling. It did a wing slide (one wing slid in front of the other) if that helps!

Larger versions are on my Flickr

Thanks in advance, it will be fantastic to know for sure what they are.


Re: ID help on Butterfly and Moth

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:05 pm
by Mikhail
You're right about the moth and Meadow Brown, but the white is a Green-veined W.


Re: ID help on Butterfly and Moth

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:22 pm
by Mandie
Mikhail wrote:You're right about the moth and Meadow Brown, but the white is a Green-veined W.

Hi Mischa

Thank you for your super quick answer. :)